Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Does Bloom Nutrition Actually Work?

 TikTok has been a source of many different wellness and fitness trends and one of the biggest trends I have seen is the brand Bloom Nutrition and its line of greens and superfood powders. A number of social media influencers have made brand deals with Bloom to promote their product and claim that it has gotten rid of their bloating completely and improved other aspects of their health including skin, aiding digestion, boosting their immune system, and overall wellbeing. The brand has gone viral on TikTok with their numerous brand deals but what a lot of people don’t recognize is that these influencers are getting paid to promote the product even if the product may not work. Many of these influencers are very skinny and often attractive, making their target audience who consist of young adults and women, likely to believe that Bloom is very effective.


To begin, Bloom Nutrition does not provide third-party testing and is NOT FDA-approved meaning that the ingredients in their product could potentially be harmful and contain unsafe substances (Willis and Viegas, 2023.) There are no proven results of this product actually working other than influencers on TikTok who are being paid to promote it claiming that Bloom works. The best probiotics on the market include 100 million to 50 billion colony-forming units where as Bloom’s added probiotics do not list any colony-forming units at all. Bloom also claims to have a 1,606-gram fiber blend, but the listed amount of dietary fiber is only two grams which only makes up 7% of the daily recommended amount (Igo, 2023.) The amount of ingredients in Blooms superfood greens powder are too small to provide a significant health benefits and health expert Jaclyn London states “The biggest problem from a nutrition standpoint is that because it’s presumably produce [fruits and vegetables] in powdered form, you’re automatically losing out on the fiber, antioxidants, water and key mineral benefits that you would otherwise be getting if you were to eat a whole food in any form” (Silva, 2023.)


Some pros of the brands green powder include being manufactured in a Certified Good Manufacturing Practices facility, having a sweet taste, and including a serving scoop. But when compared to all the cons of this product, the negatives definitely outweigh the positives. The powder also comes in two sizes, the 30 serving portion which is $39.99 plus shipping and handling or a 60 serving tub which is $79.99 plus shipping and handling. With today’s influencer culture, there is no question on why this trend is popular, people are so influenced nowadays and when the product is being promoted by young, skinny, attractive, girls, it makes the product seem a lot more appealing and effective. I would highly recommend that individuals do not feed in to this trend because the lack of scientifical evidence proving that the product actually works and that it is not even FDA approved. The product is also quite expensive and can be replaced with much cheaper and effective replacements such as actual whole foods and ingredients or other superfood powers that are supported by science.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Malie,

    It is such a shame knowing that I did fall for the Bloom Nutrition trend on TikTok. This is a learning lesson to do research before buying anything online!
