Friday, February 24, 2023

"Chick Flicks" are not guilty pleasures

February was brutal. Social media was full of couples doing couples things and advertisement was at its finest despite it only making me feel more alone than I already am. So during those trying times, I decided to do what I enjoy the most: binge-watching Chick Flicks.

After a month-long marathon, I did a little self-reflection. For most of my life, I've felt ashamed of my love for Chick Flicks and Rom-Coms. Until recently, I actually considered them guilty pleasures. And then I asked myself: Why do I feel guilty for something I enjoy? If we think about it, yeah, some are really bad, but some are kind of revolutionary.

For years, the film community has disqualified most of the productions dedicated to women, as if our tastes were insubstantial, materialistic, and had boring plots. But the entertainment industry knows its female audience well and has evolved alongside it.

Obviously, with my self-given authority in the genre, I have some of my favorites that I believe stand out among others, so I thought: why not share them so that people give them another chance before the Month of Love ends.

  • Pride and Prejudice (2005). An all-time favorite of mine. Of course, a Jane Austen adaptation should be on this list. Stories like this one invite us to ask ourselves what would happen if we were Lizzie in the 19th century: a strong and determined woman who is constantly questioned by a society that limits her possibilities. Plus, who doesn't dream of meeting Mr. Darcy?

  • 13 Going on 30 (2004). Putting Garner's quirky performance and Ruffalo's adorable dance moves aside, this film deals with many relatable teenage girl struggles. From mean girls to puberty awkwardness, and even an interesting take on the 2000s society. Even now that commentary is relatable. It is a sweet romantic comedy mixed with time-travel fantasies and some funny situations that deal with the imagination and innocence of a young girl. What could be better?

  • The Twilight Saga (2008-2012). The ultimate guilty pleasure, am I right? More reason to include it in the list. In addition to becoming a resounding success at the box office, they also marked the beginning of an era in which adaptations of teen fiction novels predominated in movie theaters. That must count for something. We have a rather self-conscious yet brave young woman who faces situations out of the ordinary and still, people hear "vampires and werewolves" and totally disregard the saga. Shame.

Since I can't fit all of my favorites, here are some honorable mentions: Legally Blonde, Clueless, The Devil Wears Prada, Bridesmaids, Mean Girls, 10 Things I Hate About You, Mamma Mia! and Love, Rosie.

So, if you ever think Chick Flicks and Rom-Coms are something to be embarrassed about or if you're ever questioned about your taste in these movies, just let them know that these genres are not superficial at all; on the contrary, they are a glimpse of the problems, dreams, and ideals of women in different contexts. That'll shut them up.


  1. Over the holidays, my VCR is filled with Hallmark holiday films!

  2. Last year I started introducing my boyfriend to iconic chick flicks. We even saw Mean Girls in Theaters on October 3rd! Long story short he loves them, I wish people had more open minds!

  3. I totally agree with you. I love chick flicks because it shows how woman should be treated like going on dates, grand gestures, and just being a gentleman overall. Chick flicks should be the standard not a guilty pleasure!
