Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Disney Adults

A Disney adult is a person 21 and over who simply loves Disney. This can be a variety of Disney concepts, perhaps the parks, movies and television shows, or an entire list of the items the The Walt Disney Company has produced. There are countless social media accounts as well as blogs, Youtube videos, and even books related to Disney and how amazing the entire company is. In the past 5 years or so, being a Disney adult now comes with a negative connotation.

Disney adults have arguably one of the worst reputations online and in person. The #Disneyadults has almost 1.5 billion uses on TikTok and are constantly getting ridiculed on social media. There was a huge trend on the TikTok app that was solely dedicated to making fun of these Disney adults' reaction when Disneyland opened again for the first time after the COVID-19 pandemic. 

A woman's reaction to seeing Disneyland for the first time after the COVID-19 closure

Disney adults get some hate because people believe "they are childish" and "Disneyland and Disney World are for kids" or the famous "Disney park tickets are too expensive. Adults should have no good reason to buy such items."

But the main question remains -  why do these Disney-loving adults get so much hate? To be honest, I am not here to answer that question because I have no clue! 

At the end of the day Disney adults are causing harm to absolutely no one. They are choosing an outlet to express themselves, and that should be totally okay! Of course there are some very problematic people who consider themselves Disney adults, but there are problematic people everywhere. 

I, myself, am Disney adult and I am not ashamed to show my love for the mouse!

Personal Collection: A picture with Winnie the Pooh and myself from a recent Disneyland trip I took

In my personal experience, since I was a child every vacation I have ever known was Disneyland or Disney World. I would be so excited to go back to the magical land of Disney that I had the hardest time falling asleep the night before. Almost every visit was a new experience for me even though it would be 30th time visiting the parks by the time I was nine years old. 

Now I am 22 years of age and have a career for myself, I still love Disney! I am a huge fan of the movies, parks, entertainment and all things Disney produces. 

I am never ashamed to share who I am and what I love, no one should hold back if they have a healthy outlet. 


  1. *raises hand* Disney adult and raising two almost Disney adult kids. When we went to Pride night, there were almost 0 kids.

  2. "At the end of the day Disney adults are causing harm to absolutely no one." Exactly! So many other bad things in the world yet people want to hate on others for enjoying themselves? Great piece, flowed very well!

  3. Love this and highly agree! I don’t understand the hate when it makes people happy. I’m glad you shared this!

  4. I loved reading this! I grew an appreciation for Disney adults and the loving culture it maintains. Disney adults deserve their flowers.

  5. I agree with you! No one should get ashamed of what they like/enjoy. Disney adults do deserve to get bashed on social media at all!
