Thursday, September 21, 2023

Stay Motivated During Daylight Savings

     If you're anything like me, when daylight saving time rolls around, you are in in bed by 6 p.m. and lack the motivation to get going in the morning when the wintertime sun sleeps in. By making small changes to my routine each morning, I found that I was able to get more out of my day, and train my brain to push through those wintertime blues. Seasonal depression is a real thing and it is important to take care of your mental health with winter creeping up. 

    The first important habit to create in winter, when wanting to get the most out of your day, is getting out of bed and get moving first thing in the morning. The morning is the perfect time to get outside and exercise. When your start your day with a walk, run, or a stretch, your mind is more sharp and your body releases endorphins to give you energy. After sweating it out in the morning, you will feel energized and ready to take on the day.


        The second way to stay motivated in winter is to set goals for yourself. I did this by writing five things I wanted to accomplish during the semester on a whiteboard in my room. I kept it up all semester, checking off my goals as I went. By setting goals or writing yourself a to-do list, you are able to be reminded of your goals each and everyday. These goals can be as small as getting a load of laundry done or as big as passing that class you have been worried about all semester. There is something about having a physical list that helps you stay on task and focused on what you want to achieve. 

        Next, it is important to do activities that bring you joy. In summer, it is easy to find the time to practice your hobbies or take a day to relax at the beach, but having to balance work and school in winter can make this difficult. Each day you should be able to set aside some time to do something that inspires you or brings you joy. For me, I set aside an hour each day to get a coffee and journal at the beach. By taking this time for myself, it allows me to feel at peace with my busy schedule and know that I got to do something for myself, which makes me motivated to finish my day strong. Self-care is important, and you deserve to set aside time for it each day.

          The final way to stay motivated during the cold season is to give yourself grace. Just because you need a day to rest does not mean that you failed at your goal to stay motivated. Understand that each day is a new day to accomplish your goals. Productivity should not be a race. The winter months are difficult for most to stay on task and find the motivation to be productive, but giving yourself grace and time to find that motivation is ok. 

           With winter in the near future, we must be kind to ourselves. Staying motivated can be difficult but by following these easy habits, your goals are not too far out of reach. Creating healthy habits and a healthy mindset towards productivity can make a great difference in your experience with finding motivation. 



  1. Great advice on how to stay productive during the winter months! Having a written list of goals and then seeing yourself check them off one-by-one is very satisfying and helpful.

  2. This is such great advice, love getting your body moving as soon as you get up! Definitely going to implement these into my routine.

  3. Staying productive during winter months can be very difficult. It can be hard to find motivation to work out but working out in the morning has helped me. It helps set the tone for the day and allows me to get going. Great advice!

  4. A very healthy habit backed by neuropsychology is within the firs 30 minutes of waking up; going outside and getting sunlight onto your skin and having indirect sunlight hit your eye. This will set your bodily functions and rhythm in place for the day
