Monday, September 25, 2023

Navigating the Last Year of College


Navigating the final year of your undergrad degree can be a tough one, for some it’s a breeze but for most, it’s a constant game of catch-up. Here are 5 tips in no particular order to make that year a little less turbulent. 


1.     Don’t get overwhelmed – find an outlet.


This is easier said, I know, but from personal experience, I can say it works. For those who already have one and those who might not have one yet, it's important to remember that this outlet should be a positive one. It would be ill-advised to pick up a habit that is not helping you towards your goals – counterproductivity is a big no.


2.     Make a list of daily and weekly tasks.


A strategy as old as time, make a list! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, breaking tasks down in a list helps with organizing your thoughts. Lists can be used daily or weekly! Lists could be written down on paper or you can use a smartphone application. I’ve found using an app to be more helpful because of the notification features and the ability to have it available at any given time. Additionally, having a digital copy means you don’t have to worry about losing paper. One of my favorite apps that can be downloaded through the Apple app store is TickTick. TickTick has prioritization features along with an easy-to-use format. The app is free to download but a paid subscription is also available for additional features. 


3.     Lean on friends.


Sometimes all you need is someone to lean on. It's important to have individuals around you can trust in trying times. No one can help you if you don’t ask, friends can offer valuable advice if they have gone or are going through similar situations. 


4.     Procrastination is your enemy.


Save yourself the stress and get it done early. Getting things done ahead of time not only prevents unnecessary stress but you’ll also have more time available to do things in tip 1. Procrastination has real-world consequences, waiting till the last minute could cost you months of work or even hurt your wallet. Save yourself time and money, you’ll feel better at the end of it. Again, It’s easier said than done but nothing good comes easy.


5.     Perspective, perspective, perspective – love the process.


Here’s a cliché for you, look at the glass half full not half empty. Most of us won't go through this time again unless we’re pursuing a second bachelor's or a secondary degree. Enjoy this time, and embrace the craziness because it’s going to be worth it, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Think of another time in your life when you might have felt that your goal was unobtainable but ultimately you accomplished it. You got through it then and you will do it again!


Best of luck 👍, 


Javier Pina, Jr


  1. I've never heard of TickTick but am definitely intrigued now!

  2. These are great tips. I personally use tip #2 making list of weekly task, and as I finish my task I cross it out. It can be difficult navigating through our last year but like you said it will be all worth it!

  3. Really enjoyed the list style to your blog. Tip 5 is big! Just get through these last few weeks and you'll never gave to do it again!

  4. Next year, I’ll be starting my last year of college, and I’m nervous. I feel like this post helped me understand that other people feel the same way as me, so that makes me feel better. I think what really hit home for me were steps four and five. I always have a habit of procrastinating, so this is definitely a wake-up call. Step five stood out to me because I’m just now realizing that this will probably be my last time in college, which is crazy. I will definitely refer back to this next year.
