Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Happy Libra Season!

Happy Libra season! Libra season begins September 23 to October 23. An air sign and symbolized by the scales, a Libra is known for being communicative, fair-minded, and charismatic. Even if you don’t believe in astrology that much, it’s always fun to look at their characteristics and fun facts.

Some well-known Libras are Kim Kardashian, Will Smith, Snoop Dogg and Jimin from BTS. Libras love the arts, therefore you can always find a Libra working in entertainment, art, and media. The grace and beauty of the arts captivate this Venus-ruled sign. Libras tend to see things with rose-colored glasses, which can be both a gift and downfall. If your career calls for creativity such as: writing, drawing, or acting, Libra will find this second nature for them. The downfall is being too idealistic and neglecting the reality.

Another characteristic about Libras are their diplomacy and love for justice. Many Libras are interested in social causes because of our love for people in general. Another career that Libras are known to pursue is law. Libras try to view situations as rationally as possible. They are natural peacemakers and mediators that know right from wrong. Balance is incredibly important to them, hence the scales, and will fight to make sure everything is equal.

Libras are also claimed to be indecisive. I would say this isn’t true, but I have also changed my major four times and would cry if you asked me where to eat. Libras tend to not want to cause any trouble or frustration within a group setting and themselves, therefore they’ll try to rule out all possibilities and will consider another’s decision before making their own. This can take a lot of time and patience which isn’t everyone's cup of tea. 

Another huge trait of a Libra would be people-pleasing. This can affect a lot of Libras when they haven’t developed this characteristic positively. Libras are known to be extremely non-confrontational and would much rather suffer and go through something they don’t want to if it means avoiding trouble. The love for peace can go that far, but it’s important for Libras to understand that they are doing a disservice to themselves and everyone involved by doing so! So, speaking up when they need to and standing up for their own feelings is a huge challenge Libras have to overcome.

Libras are also known for loving love! They are openly hopeless romantics that will always give the best relationship advice. They know love like the back of their hands and will have the best romance movies on deck for you! They have a reputation for falling in love easily and fast. But, can be extremely non-committal and indecisive because of it. For a planet ruled by Venus, the planet of love, you would think they wouldn’t struggle with relationships, but it definitely happens!

Lastly, Libras are highly compatible with: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius. If you want to get deeper into astrology, I would definitely say it would depend on your entire chart. The sun sign is usually the only planet people look at, BUT I would look into your entire natal chart to see why you may be bickering with signs that the internet says you should be besties with. I have personally found myself making friendships with these signs because fire and air signs tend have a mutual understanding of each other.

That’s all I have for this wonderful Libra season. This is a perfect time to tap into your inner Venus. Whether that means pampering yourself, changing up your room to match your aesthetic, or doing whatever beauty means to you - enjoy the rest of the season!


  1. *raises hand* Libra here!

    I bought dice with different types of food on it to "choose" where to eat! LOL

  2. Fellow Libra here! Can definitely attest to being indecisive. My friends get mad at me for never being able to make a decision but I just play it off as having a go with the flow personality haha.

  3. As a cancer, I always find myself drawn to Libras. I have had two significant relationships with Libras and my sister is a libra. I wonder if there is any reason for that. Mostly I think it is because I was raised with a libra and I am so used to that energy.
