Saturday, October 28, 2023

My First Puppy 🐾🤍

One month ago, I decided to get a dog but I wasn’t too sure as to which type of dog I wanted. Growing up my cousins always had dogs but at that time it never caught my attention to get one. 

Recently, I just felt like I wanted some sort of change/something new to happen in my life. This is when I decided to get a dog. I started looking and deciding what type of dog I wanted but honestly, I never chose a specific one. 

I began telling my friends/family that I was planning on getting a dog. A close friend of mine had a coworker that was breeding his dog. He asked me if I wanted one and without even knowing what type of dog it was I said yes. This was very risky of me to do but I have no regrets. 

Days later when I saw my puppy for the first time I instantly fell in love with him. He is a Maltese mixed Dachshund. I had no idea what to name my puppy so for a few days I would just call him doggy until I finally decided to name him Milo. 

This is my first puppy so of course he is very spoiled. Every time I go to Petco/Petsmart I am always buying him toys and treats. I love taking Milo with me everywhere, whether it’s to Target or to get a car wash. I am enjoying the puppy stage because it is going by very quickly. 

If you are ever able to get a dog, you should, you won’t regret it!

Meet Milo!


  1. WOW! Your new puppy is so cute! I remember when I first brought home my dog June. Having a dog is such a fun and exciting responsibility! Dachshunds are the such cute dogs

  2. Your puppy is so cute! I have never been able to get a dog but you make me want to adopt one. I wish you all the best and Milo in your new adventures together!

  3. Congratulations on your new family member. I remember getting my first; what an experience it is to raise a puppy! Cherish these moments before he grows older, you'll miss the puppy energy.

  4. Congratulations I recently last July got a Golden retriever named Audi, she is so sweet and soft. I hope your relationship with your new friend is full of laughter and joy
