Wednesday, October 18, 2023

On Going Alone

I make an effort  to do things alone, though seldom in their success. 

Effort I say, because I recognize the various benefits of existing alone and remaining in one's solitude, not out of necessity but in pursuit of self-knowledge and what-not. Seldom because it is both so hard to find a moment alone in a bustling life and because relying on comfort is a hard instinct to kick.

Going out alone, or an 'exercise in solitude', or taking yourself on a dateno matter what you call it, the time we spend alone is invaluable yet underappreciated. 

I recently tried to deny my instinct and my wallet's sanity, and I bought concert tickets on a whim to go alone. It was also to see the band play (because who doesn't love live music?) but mostly I thought of it as a little self-challenge. I waited alone in line for an hour, went in alone, and came out alone. 

Potentially anticlimactic, but there was no revelatory moment in which I was either praised for my bravery or shamed for my loneliness. I chatted with some other concertgoers, bought a CD, complimented a girl's shoes, and watched a very good performance.

When the concert ended (and somebody else got the set list), I walked out and drove home. 

If any other college students or other demographic consider the place of going out alone in their lives, then I would encourage them to try it at least once, if only to know what it was like. Or maybe many other students find the task easily surmountable or simply don't find it at all. 

 Regardless of circumstance, these are some relatively non-strenuous nights out (or nights in) to consider doing alone:

  1. A concert (and get a good spot!)
  2. Make a special dinner (Light a few candles, string a few violins)
  3. A movie (bring your own snacks without having to share...)
  4. A picnic (read a book, take a photo, or people-watch!) 
  5. A walk (around sunset is the perfect time to get a short exercise with a view) 
Comment if you have any 'date' ideas you use or have seen! Stay safe!


  1. This is such a great topic to explore! Pushing ourselves to be comfortable with uncomfortable situations is such a great exercise!!

  2. Hello, I think going out alone and having to do things on your own is so empowering! Recently I went to Disneyland on my own and although some of my family members thought that was strange it felt so nice to do whatever I wanted.

  3. I love doing things alone! I think there is a weird misconception on doing things alone but I love it! Of course, it is nice to have a companion with you when doing things but there are certain instances where you can do things alone and have maximum enjoyment. I've gone to sporting events alone and there were so much because there's a certain peace about it.

  4. As a married mom of two teens, I rarely get alone time, which is tough since I'm an "only child." I have gone to see movies solo. It's especially decadent, for me, during the week when I should be doing something else.

  5. I hate doing things by myself. I am terribly codependent on others. However, I do try to break out of that shell as often as I can! Albeit many of these attempts are unsuccessful. I will never forget though the first time I went to the movies by myself. It was really nerve-wracking, but at the end I felt really free. I'm going to have to try a concert alone sometime!
