Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Meaning of a Tattoo on this Floating Rock in Space

I was 19 years old when I got my first tattoo. It was a matching one with an ex-best-friend that quoted the Taylor Swift lyrics “Love you to the moon and to Saturn.” Five days later, we got into a huge argument in the streets of Stockholm, Sweden, walked away from each other, and never looked back. A Gemini and a Virgo become friends and you expect any other ending to that story? 

A few days later, I got another tattoo. This one was inspired by my grandma and the fourth-generation heirloom necklace that I have proudly worn every day since I turned 15. The only issue is that the necklace is from Greece and smack dab in the middle of it is a dolphin. People’s favorite thing to ask me now is if I’m a big dolphin fan. Which I mean, they’re fine. 

But what even are tattoos? Why do we get them and what is this fascination behind the meaning of a tattoo? There are two people on the tattoo spectrum: the ones who get meaningful, deep-rooted identity tattoos, and the ones who would get Squidward's face tattooed on their forearm if it was drawn aesthetically pleasing enough. The best part? These two groups of people are each other’s greatest enemy! Well, aside from those that are “anti-tattoo for lifers.” Those people are just full of themselves. 

But if we’re all being honest with ourselves, there is no tattoo that can hold meaning for us throughout our entire lives. Symbolism doesn’t work that way. It’s dynamic, just as we are. And if mentally and emotionally we stay the same (hopefully, not), we sure aren’t physically. I mean as cool as Grandpa
looks with his tatted arms, it’s definitely not giving Jason Mamoa anymore. 

I guess the point of this blog is for me to convince myself to get another tattoo even though I have no good, meaningful ideas. C’est la vie! 


  1. First, I have no tattoos, but I'm not anti-tattoo. I usually tease that I would have ended up with a tat of Scooby-Doo on my shoulder. I'm a pop culture junkie.

    Second, that Grandpa you mentioned. Except mine had green blobs up his arms for my entire life. He was in the Air Force, Merchant Marines and Coast Guard. Yes, all three branches. Rumor has it one of those tattoos used to be a naked woman and he "covered it" with an American eagle.

    Me? I get henna or temporary tattoos on a regular basis. I feel bad because a friend got a dragonfly "like mine" and when she told me ... mine was gone!

  2. Very true that a tattoo is as dynamic as a person! It is both as serious and unserious as whoever the person is themselves. You should also get another tattoo (just because...)

  3. I don't have tattoos and to be very honest, I just don't see myself ever getting one. But I think it was very interesting that you sort-of linked them to our mentality. I think I might just not ever get one because I'm very indecisive and scared of change that I can't control. So how do I know that I'll for sure like a tattoo years later after getting one? I'm not sure but you made a really good point.

  4. First of all, I love your writing style. It feels conversational and you're humor comes through perfectly. Even though I don't have any yet, I love tattoos so much and plan on getting many in the future. Pulling the trigger on the first one is the hardest part because like you said, people ask about the meaning and expect you to have some deep meaningful story behind it. At the end of the day though, it's your skin. You should do whatever feels right at that point in your life. As you mentioned, we're meant to grow and mature, we're not going to have the same taste for ever. I think that's part of the beauty of tattoos, they mark points in time. So even if ten years down the line, you don't particularly love a tattoo anymore, it will always be special for the point in your life that it symbolizes. I guess my point is that we both should just go for it. You should get another one and I should get my first.
