Thursday, September 12, 2024

Study Aboard In Barcelona

 Study Abroad In Barcelona 

This summer, I studied abroad in Barcelona with the CSUF: CTVA 360 and HCOM 320 Summer 2024 program. This trip truly transformed my life for the better as it allowed me to indulge in a new culture and develop lifelong relationships. My time in Barcelona began as a challenge since I had never been away from home for such a long time, let alone travel to an entirely different country with people I didn’t know. When I reflect on the person I was before the trip to who I am now, I can say that I have become a better version of myself. 

Living alone with a group of strangers, who are now some of my best friends, posed difficulties as we all had to adapt to a new culture and navigate a place foreign to us. However, we shared beautiful experiences like going to Primavera Sound and traveling to Nice and Paris France. Experiencing “first timers” like trying new foods and visiting enchanting places like The Sagrada Family together is what made our group’s bond stronger. 

I never imagined that I could fall in love with a city’s floral street tiles or its wonderful sense of community. Although I did love the city, I think it’s the people who inhabit it that made me feel at peace with an overwhelming sense of happiness. It was a place that pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to discover parts of myself that I didn’t know existed. Most of all, I feel extraordinarily blessed to have been able to experience such a life-changing opportunity with the people in the program. My study abroad group truly made this trip the absolute best and I don’t think that I would have loved it as much if it wasn’t for them. This trip and the fun memories that it allowed me to create have fostered strong emotions of love for our world, more than I could have ever imagined. 


  1. What a wonderful experience. You truly captured some details for others. So definitely a recommend?

  2. Wow Chelsea, what a blessing opportunity! Being able to visit Barcelona and Spain in general is at the top of my list. Very cool to see your great experience there!

  3. This looks like so much fun! What a great way to spend time with friends and create memories.

  4. I truly believe that travel has a unique way of shaping who we are and opening our eyes to new perspectives. Thank you for sharing this journey and hope it inspires others to embark on their own adventures. Your kind words are much appreciated!

  5. You're so brave for putting yourself out there and taking the opportunity to be able to experience something so fun and exciting like this. So inspiring!!

  6. This is such a beautifully written reflection! Your trip to Barcelona sounds life changing, and I love how you included both the challenging and fascinating experiences you had. This was very inspirational, going on a trip with people you did not know, yet made life long friendships with them, and connected with a new culture.

  7. Those photos are so fun!! Would you recommend traveling abroad with a class or just with friends/family?

  8. I love this blog post! I think stepping outside of your comfort zone in the face of fear rather than the absence of it is so important. I think it's so awesome you dove head first into studying abroad despite never having left home for so long and now you've had transformative experiences with strangers you've become best friends with. The magic of growth that comes from discomfort is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
