As a college student it can be hard to stay on a budget with so many convenient options all around us that tempt us daily. Besides being a student, we also have other roles to fulfil, which means time can simply run out because we are constantly busy. We all know that cooking and all that it requires is time-consuming and time flies before our eyes if we don't plan. Even though we may have fast paced lifestyles, there is a way to save money, especially in this economy. Here are some tips on how to produce meals while saving money that have helped me. I now look forward to the weekend, knowing that I can go out with a friend or family to a nice restaurant that is well deserved. This also is a great way to save money, eat healthier food, and reduce food waste. You'll also learn what you do and don't love eating or cooking with. One last tip is to not grocery shop while hungry. This will tempt you to buy everything causing unnecessary costs and a waste of food.
Cook in bulk: Cook a batch of your favorite food and store it in the freezer for future use.
Using what you have is a good tip. Where I've gone wrong in the past is buying new spices for a recipe. They're always expensive and don't get used often.
ReplyDeleteMeal prepping is always something I aim to do and never follow through, these tips are good reminders of the benefits.
ReplyDeleteNeria, I appreciate the informative blog about eating on a budget. This is incredibly valuable to me since I enjoy to cook from time to time. I am a big fan of pasta and the ingredients tend to be fairly reasonably priced.