Thursday, October 27, 2011

Go Forth and Set the World on Fire.

St. Ignatius of Loyola spoke these words that motivated the Jesuit people to spread throughout the nations. On a personal level, this quote is a reminder of how important it is to go forth and see all that this world has to offer. Most people would agree that traveling and experiencing different cultures is somewhere on their life to-do list. Could it be possible that your time to go forth is now?

I recently spent the summer abroad in Florence, Italy traveling, learning, and growing with a group of 26 CSUF students. The experience was life-changing. Waking up every morning in a small apartment that sits overs a quintessential Italian cafe with nothing but unknown adventures in my forecast exhilarated me unlike anything else I have ever known. Thankfulness and gratitude were two of my most recognizable emotions as I realized I was seeing a new part of the world at the perfect time in life. Nothing rivals the experience of living in another country as a college student. You are old enough to appreciate the history (I cannot tell you how many children I saw with their eyes glued to their GameBoy as they passed by masterpieces such as Michelangelo's David!) and young enough to pick up and move without any monumental consequences upon your return to the Sates. Whether you travel abroad for a summer session, semester, or full year of studies, I strongly recommend making time abroad a part of your college experience. Hard work and perseverance will no doubt be familiar factors in the time between deciding to go and getting there, but the sacrifices are minimal when you walk away from the experience with more great memories than you can count as well as a more well-rounded person.
According to Tarrigon VanDenburg, who works in the Humanities and Social Sciences building, current study abroad opportunities include intersession in Paris, spring semester in London, and summer programs in Italy, Spain, Costa Rica, South Africa, Ireland, and Hungary. There are so many opportunities this year. For more information, visit the H&SS website at
"Travelling and studying abroad can change and enhance your world view and your view about yourself and how you fit into your own culture" says VanDenburg. Traveling with CSUF students and faculty also takes way some of the uncertainty of going abroad for the first time. 
If cross-cultural communication is something you are passionate about, but an extended stay abroad is out of reach for whatever reason, there are many opportunities to get connected with an international community on campus. "The best place to start is the International Programs in UH-224" says VanDenburg. From on campus meetings to events, there are many opportunities for international diversity right here at home. 

VanDenburg offers some encouraging words to students who are seriously considering studying abroad, "the only advice I would give, is to not look at the cost of going abroad as a barrier, look at all your options and use it to open dialog with your family and friends. You will be surprised on how much support and ideas that may be offered. I have never met anyone who said they regretted going abroad as part of their education." 


  1. That trip sounds like it was really amazing; I bet one small blog post is not nearly enough for you to gush about your experience. I have a friend who is a currently studying in Italy as well and it looks like she's having such a wonderful, adventurous time.

    I also liked the end, where you mentioned not letting the cost get in the way of studying abroad. I think so many people look at it like that and let the opportunity pass them by. If you really want it, however, I don't think that should stop you. Studying abroad, I'm sure, is unlike any other experience - even visiting the same place you studied later on in travels will be completely different. I've never heard a bad word about studying abroad, and it's really nice to hear your positive experiences as well. :)

  2. Having also studied abroad, I enjoyed reading your post. It is definitely an experience that will change your life and allow you to grow immensely. I would highly recommend it as well. Something that I wasn't expecting though when I studied abroad, was the culture shock of returning home. Just as I had to adjust to a new environment when I arrived in a new country, I also had to readjust when I returned (which is much more somber than adjusting to a foreign country). The experience is well worth it, but be careful, it might make you want to move there...
