Monday, October 17, 2011

Golden Nirvana

“Because it’s convenient and cheap.”

This is my reply to the scores of people who ask. Yes, I already know the health effects, and yes, I have seen “Super Size Me.” I just don’t care that much. These people look down on me, as if eating from McDonald's was a crime. Well, it’s not folks. I am a full-time student who interns 30 hours weekly and I am unable to make gourmet three-course meals daily or spend an extra couple of bucks on an organic Panini. Go ahead and turn your noses up at me. I’m going to continue to dip my chicken nuggets.

“But it’s all processed food!” Yeah, but it only costs one dollar. Weighing the pros and cons, I’d rather chomp down on a decent burger made with plastic-like cheese and limp buns. The meals aren’t of the highest class, but the grease smothered patties are worth every penny.

It’s not like I eat from McDonald's every time I have an hour break at my internship. Even though I can probably recite every item on the Dollar Menu, I only buy a parfait and McDouble in moderation (maybe one a week). So back off, people. You don’t have to preach to me why I should lay off fast-food. It’s not an addiction that’s controlling my life, and the looks of revulsion as I unwrap my high-calorie meal are tiring. Maybe a vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian or whatever other lifestyle isn’t for everyone. It certainly isn’t for me.

I respect what you guys are doing, but please don’t try to convert me. It’s like when I’m sitting on the lawn at Cal State Fullerton and a Catholic Crusader approaches me to talk about God. I tell them I’m atheist just for the hell of it, but they continue to preach, nipping at my ear with reason after reason of why it’s beneficial to have Jesus in my life. All I do is nod until they tire themselves and trot away to their Crusader friends. This is the same strategy I employ when scolded about my eating habits.

So, next time you see me holding a bag with the golden arches, you know what to do. Hold your tongue and walk away because your attempts at a health intervention will be futile. Maybe when I’m rich I’ll be more concerned with my health, but until I’m rolling in dough leave me and my 75 cent vanilla ice cream cone alone.


  1. I agree with you! Society expects us to eat healthy but all healthy food cost more than junk food. If you just don't have the cash, eating healthy is not always the easiest option. So its hard to always be eating the "right stuff." I also think it is dumb to blame McDonalds because you are overweight. I think it is pretty obvious fast food isn't the best for you, but no one is really forced to eat it everyday. Anyways, I feel the same. Sometimes I just want some junk food because it is cheap and still taste good.

  2. I try not to eat McDonald's all the time, but it really is cheap and convenient, and the food is pretty damn good when you're broke and starving. I eat it once in a while and I try to get a salad if I have enough cash on me; otherwise I'll go with some apples and and a parfait. I really enjoy their hazelnut iced coffee though--it's a total pick-me-up!

    Oh yeah, and also, please tell those Catholic crusaders to fuck off. I don't understand why people try and preach their religion to me. I'm Buddhist and I enjoy being Buddhist, although I'm not deeply into my religion. The thing I don't get is that people have a choice and if they want to be Catholic, they will; otherwise leave them be. I get so annoyed when I see that.

  3. Amen. I hate it when my friend's try and get me to feel guilty about eating this kind of food. My ex-girlfriend begged me to try and eat healthier and I tried for a long time but I always ended up getting some Golden Arches when I just needed a quick fix of food after a long day and I didn't have the taste for something healthy or low in calories. If it doesn't directly affect the other person, then it's not their problem and they should let me eat my Double Quarter Pounder with large fries in peace.

  4. I think everyone has eaten McDonald's sometime in their life. However, I think that it's not the convenience and cost that continues bringing people back, but the taste. Of course eating McDonald's a few times a week will not kill you, but there are also a plethora of other cheap fast food restaurants available. I think many also do not agree with the conditions in which the food is prepared. Although, who doesn't love a McFlurry?

    Of course everyone is entitled to eat whatever they choose, but the interest in your health by others may simply be genuine concern for your well-being, not an attempt to control your life and opinions.
