Sunday, March 19, 2023

Audiobooks, is it really reading?

The debate of the century... are audiobooks considered reading. Passion runs deeply when this subject is mentioned. You either religious listen to audiobooks or read. It's rare that a person does both. This is one of the most heated debates in the reading community, but which side is right? It all depends on your definition of reading.

If you believe that reading is just consuming the story, then listening to an audiobook is considered reading the book. But if you considering reading looking at the physical letters then audiobooks aren't reading. It is all dependent on your view of things. Both formats give you a completely different experience though.

I personally think audiobooks is more like a podcast. You get the message but aren't fully emersed in the experience. As someone who has done both, reading the physical is so much more impactful. I find when I read books, I resonate with the characters o much more. For the few hours that I am reading the book everything else subsides. What is going on in the book happens around me as well. My brain is able to focus so much on what is going on.

When I read audiobooks, it allows my brain to wander. I at some point tune it all out, even for the world's most interesting stories. Audiobooks can be put as background noise. There is no commitment required. When you read you have to dedicate time to it. I think that could be a good thing for audiobooks, but it feels like a little bit of essence of reading is lost. Also, you don't get the benefits of reading. Reading helps with write and learning new words, when you hear these things, you miss out on the grammar of things.

Audiobooks also take too long. If I listen to the book on regular speed, then I get so bored. I always speed up the book to twice the normal amount. My mom told me the other day, "Why do they sound so weird". If you decide to this, then slowly increase the speed. If you increase the speed all at once, it'll be hard to understand. First start at 1.25, the gradually increase as you get used to the speed.

Overall, I personally like actually reading the books because all the benefits discussed earlier. If I am going on a road trip where I am driving, I do usually listen to an audiobook because I like to consume books at all times. But audiobooks are all about preference. At the end of the day who cares if you are listening to it. It doesn't matter, just consume the story.


  1. I agree about audiobooks being more like a podcast. I only like them when the author is the one reading it, but that only emphasizes its podcast-like quality. I like reading books the old-fashioned way.

  2. I can see why you feel as though audiobooks are less impactful, in a way I agree. If you are listening and following along, the voiceover may impact how you read into the story with their flow of voice. At the same time, I love that people that struggle with reading can still enjoy stories.

  3. I've always wanted to try audible because it can get a little pricey in buying physical books but really I like having the physical copy more than a digital one.

  4. I'm 100% team reading physical books/e-books, but I've been getting audiobook recommendations on TikTok and little snippets from them and some actually interest me. However, I'm sure that I will not pay attention to an audiobook. I feel like I'll get distracted. I'll try it though, for a change. They seem fun!

  5. Honestly, you make great points. I agree that this is less impactful because I have listened to these before while I'm at the gym doing cardio just so I'm not bored and it's just not the same as reading it. I feel like reading hard copy's are less distracting.

  6. I had never thought about this! But I definitely agree that an audiobook can be like a podcast. Although I sometimes do get invested in podcasts and carefully pay attention, most of the time it's just background noise so I don't feel so lonely. Reading takes more dedication and the whole grammar aspect of it is also really beneficial.

  7. I find this depiction of audiobooks to be really interesting! Personally, I loved audiobooks growing up, but I will always buy physical books even if I read anything on my Kindle. I will be honest though, even if I’m reading a physical copy, I’m still not fully immersed sometimes. My mind tends to wander about what I’m going to eat or if I fed my cats. When I was listening to the audiobook of “Daisy Jones and the Six,” I felt so immersed in the world and it had my complete attention, so I guess it just depends on the story for me.

  8. I definitely agree that audiobooks are more like podcasts, but I also understand the ease and portability of using that instead of a physical book, especially out in public. I need to get better about reading recreationally, and I have considered trying audiobooks since I enjoy podcasts.
