Thursday, March 2, 2023

Most important things to research before going on a vacation:

 With Spring Break and summer coming up, people are exhausted and have been waiting to go on a vacation to get some time for relaxation, do some fun activities, and maybe check out different cultures. Going on a vacation to a place you’ve never been to before is always exciting, but you want to make sure you do some research on the place so when you arrive there, it’s not a culture shock or a place you end up regret visiting. Doing your research on a place you want to visit will make the experience even better since you’ll have somewhat of an idea on what to expect. I regret not doing research when I visited Miami a couple years ago, so here are a few ideas I’ve come up with on researching a place before going on a vacation: 


This is probably the most important thing to research before going on a vacation. You want to research the climate of the place to make sure it fits with your travel plans. For example, when I went to Miami, I didn’t do research at all since it was in the summer that I had visited for a music festival. I was thinking in my head that the weather was just going to be very hot, but when I had stepped out of the airport, it was very humid and nasty. It felt like I was in a sauna and had trouble breathing for a bit. It also rained each day I was there and I didn’t pack any clothing for the rain. Researching the climate will help out with what weather to expect so that you’re prepared rather than frustrated like I was.

2. Price of the trip overall.

If you’re on a budget, then this is one of the most important things to research before planning a trip. Researching the price of the trip may include traveling roundtrip, cost of hotel, food, entertainment, etc. If you’re in a group, you may want to research and add everything all together with everyone else so it can be evenly split up. Plan to spend a little more just in case there’s something that catches your attention when on your trip.

3 Food.

This is one of the most important things to research in my opinion. When going on a trip, trying new foods from different cultures is always fun and interesting. You may want to research where the best restaurants are. Also, if you’re allergic to certain foods or have food allergies, look for certain places that fit best for you. A bad experience I had in the past was when I went to Mexico for a weekend and came back home with food poisoning that lasted almost two weeks. I always tell myself that next time I go to Mexico, I’m meal prepping before I go or I’m going to research restaurants that have great reviews so I can avoid getting sick again.

4 Activities.

Another important thing to research is the activities that are available for the destination you're visiting. It’s very important to know what things are available for you, and if you’re going with others, what’s available for them too. If you’re going with children, you may want to look up some activities such as amusement parks. I mentioned earlier how I went to Miami for a music festival, and that was probably the only fun thing I did on my trip. Since I wasn’t 21-years-old at that time, I wasn’t able to go clubbing or do other similar activities. I also wasn’t able to attend any sports game since it was summer and that time period is the off-season for most sports. Planning activities is very important if you want to stay busy during your vacation.

5. Overall reviews on the place you plan on visiting.

If you plan on visiting a certain city or different country, review that place overall to see if it’s something that actually interests you. You wouldn’t want to go to a place that’s known to be unsafe or somewhere where you feel uncomfortable. That’s a waste of money. If you have to think more than twice about whether or not you want to visit a certain place, maybe you should pass or wait on that trip and plan something else. For example, I was planning on going to Cincinnati for my birthday this year to see my football team play a playoff game. I had done more research on the state and decided that I would pass on it because a lot of money would’ve been spent and the only activity I could find that attracted me was the football game.

I hope that these tips come in handy for anyone who plans on taking a well-deserved trip soon!


  1. I haven't been able to travel as much as I'd like to, but I try to go over every single detail about trips. These are really good to re-go over before planning a trip and finalizing plans and details.

  2. I'm going to Disney World in May and your blog reminded me of a couple of things I should definitely check out.

  3. I don’t travel as much as I want to, but this summer I’m definitely going to use these tips. Budgeting is important it’s easy to run out of money on a trip because of pointless thing, so that’s my favorite tip on the list.

  4. I loved all the tips and the examples you provided. I'm going to Hawaii soon and you made me think about all the research I need to do. I didn't even think about researching foods I want to try.

  5. I got my ticket lined up for Costa Rica but I plan on cashing that in after I graduate and while I am preparing to depart I definitely will be keeping this blog post handy! Awesome read!

  6. I will be going to Las Vegas for Spring Break so I definitely need to think about how much food will be! Everything on the Strip is crazy expensive!
