Friday, April 28, 2023

The 20 Something Crisis

"If you going through one you are not alone" 

    So I am about to turn 26 in June, June 2nd to be exact. Even just typing that out seems very unnatural to me. I still feel like I am 22, going to community college, working a minimum wage job and not really having a sense of direction. Looking back I think it safe to say I have came a long way but I still feel a bit unsatisfied? Something missing perhaps? A part of me knows I should not be comparing my journey/success to others.  I know I am not the only one that needs to remind themselves not to compare your success from others, but it can hard not to.

    Around this age, I see many of my friends around the same age married and having children.  A few of my high school friends graduated years ago and I an barely a junior at CSUF (transfer student). Sometimes even family members can add to the pressure when they ask questions like "When do you plan to get married and have kids? What do you plan to do once you graduate? When do you graduate?  The pressure from not only myself feels like its on me but also the pressure of my families opinions. As if your own thoughts are not doing enough overtime. 

    I think what I am trying to say is that I feel like I would of accomplished a lot more around this age. After doing some extensive research, I came to a conclusion that I was going through a quarterly life crisis.  If you are the same age as me or getting there and are starting the feel the same way. Here are some tips I use to pick myself out my quarterly life crisis mind rut.  

5 Tips:

1. Focus On Yourself 

I know it seems simple but try to prioritize yourself more. Incorporating small things your enjoy doing throughout the day can be beneficial for your mental health.  Doing your self-care, reading that nook you been putting off, or take a stroll around the neighborhood. 

2. Find What Makes You Happy 

You are going through some changes and thats okay. What used to make you happy may not make you feel the same way anymore.  Try new things and hobbies, you never know what you may find to be fun! Sometimes tapping into your inner child can do the trick.  

3. Trust in the Process 

Its okay to anxious, in fact its normal. Without a feeling of discomfort there is no room for growth! Remember that your time is coming and enjoy the process.  

4. Set Healthy Boundaries with Friends and Family 

If you are being asked questions that make come off as pushy or touchy subjects. Learning communication skills to set healthy boundaries can come in handy with the time comes. Being assertive but also not offending anyone in your response is the goal to healthy boundaries. 

5. Focus on Your Goals 

Just because you are getting older and wiser, doesn't mean your goals have to change.  Its never too late to accomplish what you want in life. Keep going!  

If you are going through a quarter life crisis, you are not alone. I hope these tips were helpful reminder that you are exactly where you need to be. I leave you off with a famous quote, 

“Today is the oldest you’ve ever been, and the youngest you’ll ever be again.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Tips on Finishing The Last Semester of College Strong!

 For many college seniors, the last semester can be a bittersweet time. On the one hand, there's the excitement of finally finishing your degree and moving on to the next phase of your life. On the other hand, there's the stress of completing all of your final coursework, finding a job or deciding on further education, and saying goodbye to friends and the college experience. With so much going on, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to make the most of your last few months on campus. That's why I have put together this list of the best tips to help you finish your last semester as a senior in college.

1. Create a plan: The first step in finishing your last semester strong is to create a plan. This plan should include everything you need to accomplish before graduation, including your final coursework, job applications, and any other responsibilities you have. Make a schedule for each day and week to keep yourself on track.

2. Stay organized: Keeping track of all your deadlines and responsibilities is crucial. Invest in a planner, a calendar, or use an app to keep yourself organized. Make sure to keep track of everything you need to do and when it needs to be done.

3. Don't procrastinate! This may seem easier said than done but we all know procrastination is your enemy in your final semester. It's easy to think you have plenty of time left, but the reality is that time flies by quickly. The more you procrastinate, the more stressed you'll become as deadlines approach. Make a habit of working on assignments or studying every day, even if it's just for a short period of time.

4. Take care of yourself: Your physical and mental health is important and affects your life in more ways than you know it. Make sure to eat well, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and take breaks when you need them. Don't neglect your mental health, either. Make time for activities that help you relax and de-stress, like meditation, reading, or spending time with friends.

5. Network: Networking is important in any industry, especially in today's generation surrounding the media and it's especially important as a college senior. Attend career fairs, join professional organizations, and connect with alumni in your field. You never know where a connection might lead and could end up landing you your dream job!

6. Celebrate milestones: Graduating college is a huge accomplishment, and you should celebrate every milestone along the way. Whether it's acing a difficult exam, finishing a major project, or receiving a job offer, take the time to acknowledge your accomplishments and reward yourself.

7. Stay focused: It's easy to get distracted by all the events and activities happening on campus during your final semester. While it's important to enjoy your last few months, don't lose sight of your goals. Stay focused on your studies and your job search, and make sure you're doing everything you can to achieve your goals.

8. Get involved: Your last semester is a great time to get involved in campus activities or volunteer work. Not only will this give you a chance to make a positive impact, but it can also help you build valuable skills and make new connections.

9. Seek advice: Don't be afraid to ask for advice from professors, advisors, or alumni. They have been in your shoes and can offer valuable insights into the job market, graduate school, or other opportunities.

10. Enjoy the moment: Finally, don't forget to enjoy the moment. College is a unique experience that you'll never have again, so savor every moment with your friends, classmates, and professors. Take lots of pictures, attend events, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

In conclusion, the last semester of college can be a stressful and overwhelming time, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can finish strong and make the most of your remaining time on campus. Create a plan, stay organized, avoid procrastination, and prioritize your mental and physical health. We are almost there!

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Stay Safe In Coachella

  Coachella is overall a once in a lifetime experience. It has music from day to night and brings you artists that you love and know. It’s an amazing experience and occurs to me that only happens once a year. Though it can be super fun, it is also overwhelming and exhausting. Coachella brings many attractions, installations, and food vendors to its campgrounds during the festival. With that being said, it’s important to be prepared and cautious before attending. In that case, you can enjoy it fully and everything it has to offer. In this blog post, I’ll share tips on how to be one step ahead and survive Coachella. 


  1. Stay Hydrated. Coachella is in the desert, and it can get very hot. Therefore, staying hydrated is crucial. Drinking a lot of water throughout the day is highly recommended and even starting before you enter the festival. Bringing a refillable water bottle is useful, because you can refill it and the refillable water stations inside.

  2.  Dress appropriately. Coachella is known for its fashion and statements, but being aware of the actions taking place will help you greatly. There will be a lot of walking, so wearing comfortable shoes is always a must. Preferably bringing something to cover up later in the night is also recommended because it can get cold and windy at night. When in doubt, you can order a locker if you ever don't want to carry any extra stuff. WEAR SUNSCREEN!

  3. Plan your schedule. Having a timeline and pre-planning the set times will help you navigate through your day easier. There are so many artists and you don't want to miss any so know who you want to see in advance. If there are many crossovers, be aware and split your time  wisely. You have to allow yourself time for breaks to use the bathroom, refill your water, and get food.

  4. Explore the festival. There are many installations all over the festival that are super cool to see and take pics in so, don't miss out on those. In addition, there are a few attractions and many vendors that can't be ignored.

  5. Have fun. The point of the festival is to have fun, enjoy the music, and make memories. Have the time of your life. Embrace the experience.


My Work Sent Me to Coachella

Coachella 2023 | Weekend One Hotel Packages

    I never thought in a million years that I would be writing this, but my work sent me to Coachella. MY WORK SENT ME TO COACHELLA. Just typing that out doesn’t feel real. It gets even crazier because I am only just an intern! Back in October, I was lucky enough to be hired as one of Geojam’s first-ever interns. Geojam is a social media app that was just released one month ago, and I got to be a part of that journey! It’s crazy to think that one year ago today I was studying to be a speech-language pathologist and now I get paid to post on social media and attend Coachella. What is my life?

    Just one week before Coachella 2023, my boss asked me to hop on a meeting. I thought it was just going to be an average meeting that I’m typically asked to do on some days. When I joined, my boss acted as if I was in big trouble. I was so nervous that my heart dropped to my stomach. I thought I was about to be fired by my dream job, I knew it was too good to be true. I immediately started asking questions like what did I do wrong? My boss starts laughing and says, “We didn’t want to tell you until we knew for sure, but we want you to come to Coachella with us!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Am I dreaming? 

        So many thoughts were filling my head. As I accepted the tickets, everything started to set in. I was going to go to Coachella in 6 days. Better yet, I was going to get paid to go to Coachella. Geojam had been planning a work event for Coachella months in advance. I just never thought they would ever invite me, especially because I’m just an intern. This event was going to be the biggest that they had ever held, and I was lucky to be a part of it.

                                                              Photo of me from the Playboy Party

    My crazy weekend started on a Thursday. I had to arrive a day early because we had our first event that night. When I first arrived in Palm Springs, I was welcomed with open arms by all my coworkers. They were ecstatic that I was going to be there with them for the whole weekend. It was especially nice because I typically work remotely, so I only really see their faces in Zoom meetings. My coworkers escorted me to my room and gave me the rundown on the weekend. They told me I should be prepared to be overwhelmingly busy considering we have four events we would have to attend on top of the music festival. I was ready for the challenge because I knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. That Thursday night, Geojam had its first event which was hosted by Playboy. We quickly had to get everything prepped and ready before guests and press arrived. We also had to prepare for Anderson Paak because he was going to be staying in our green room before his performance. I was in shock that I would be working with Anderson Paak, I couldn't believe it. 

                                                                         Anderson Paak

    Meeting Anderson Paak was insane! Not only did I get to meet one of my favorite artists, but I also got to listen to him perform all night long. It was basically a private concert, and I still couldn't believe my luck. The night was even more unforgettable because I got to meet so many huge executives who worked for Playboy and London Alley. It was incredible to be in the same room with so many talented people, and I felt like I had made it in the entertainment industry. The only downside was that I had to stay up until 5 in the morning to work such a crazy event. But it was worth it to be a part of such an incredible experience. I'll seriously never forget that night!

Photo of me from Geojam Party

     The next day was the real reason why I even got to go to Coachella in the first place. Friday was the day Geojam was hosting their very own work event with LA Weekly. We had over 7000 RSVPs and over 7000 bracelets to make. It was one of the busiest, most hardworking days of my life. I spent the day going through the RSVPs and making all those bracelets to ensure I had enough for guests. That night, I was in charge of posting on all of our social media platforms. It was a lot of pressure to make sure I was getting quality content, but I was up for the challenge. While filming content, I got to speak with our sponsors which included Arrowhead Water, Voss, and Lo Siento. The fact that I got to meet the marketing managers of all of these companies was amazing for expanding my network. I also got to enjoy another private concert by an amazing DJ named Amine! Working at my first big Coachella event was so rewarding.

                                                                       Amazon Music Party

    The next day, on Saturday, Geojam surprised everyone by throwing another event, a last-minute pool party. It was a much-needed break after the long night before, and we all got to hang out and relax before the real party started. After the pool party, we hopped on the party bus and headed to the Coachella festival. It was my first time at Coachella, and I was beyond excited. Throughout the festival, I got to enjoy myself and bond with all of my coworkers, something that I will cherish forever. It was amazing to see so many different artists perform and experience the energy of the festival. It was a great bonding experience for all of us, and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to attend Coachella with such an incredible group of people. After the festival, I got invited to attend a Coachella after-party hosted by Amazon Music. Pink Pantharass performed so I got to hear her infamous song, Boy's a Liar Pt. 2. 

                                                                               Photo of me from Coachella

    Sunday was the last day of Coachella, and thankfully, I didn't have to work that day at all. I was so excited to attend the festival all day and meet up with my roommates from Fullerton. It was a perfect, stress-free day, with no work obligations to worry about. However, I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed with Frank Ocean's performance, so I ended up leaving his set early. But aside from that, everything was amazing, and I'll always remember that last day of Coachella.

    Overall, that weekend of Coachella was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I feel incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to work my dream job as a junior in college and to have been a part of such an incredible event. I made so many great memories with my coworkers and friends, and I'm forever grateful for all the new experiences and connections that came my way. As I look to the future, I'm excited to see where this journey takes me and the opportunities that will come my way. I can't wait to hopefully do it all over again next year and continue to grow with Geojam.

"Malibu Rising" by Taylor Jenkins Reid Review

As Taylor Jenkins Reid continues to grow in popularity from her literary fiction novels, she tends to not fail her readers. Reid has been releasing books that continue to be shelved by adoring fans.

Recently, I read Malibu Rising by T.J.R. and it was captivating. I have read half of her other works and loved every single one of them, so I was looking forward to this specific release. 

The setting of Malibu from the 1950s to the 1980s was enthralling and magnificent. Reid transports you to this world which is also the setting of her other works Daisy Jones and the Six, Carrie Soto is Back, and the infamous The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Some of the characters show up in her other works, which is so fun and feels like an easter egg. 

Malibu Rising is a story of heartbreak, loss, love and family. We follow the Riva family as they navigate the world after the loss of their mother, June. The first half of the novel includes a past and present perspective of when in the past, Mick and June fall in love and then the timeline switches to the present to how the children of Mick and June are living. The Riva kids throw a huge party annually that hosts other famous people, and we see this party unfold throughout the entire novel. The Riva kids were born into the spotlight because of their father Mick, whom we see in other T.J.R. novels. He ends up marrying June and starts his career as a singer and performer. 

As the story progresses, the character relationships become stronger and some relationships get strained. This novel is very character heavy, and the plot is not very present. Reid includes a plethora of diverse characters that are very realistic. They are lovable yet you also hate their flaws. They are complex with their emotions, and although this novel is told in third person, the reader can truly empathize with her characters. 

In my opinion, Malibu Rising is my third favorite of her works thus far. I would rank the ones that I have read as so:

  1. Daisy Jones and the Six

  2. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

  3. Malibu Rising

  4. Maybe In Another Life

  5. After I Do

I am very excited to read Forever, Interrupted, One True Loves, and Carrie Soto is Back. I will read anything Taylor Jenkins Reid releases, even her grocery list. She is one of my favorite authors, and I cannot get enough of her storytelling. 

Overall, reading Malibu Rising was a treat, and I would highly recommend her works to anyone.

Simple Fun Things to do Over The Summer!

Summer is right around the corner, and school is almost out. If you’re graduating, then that means you will be done with school for good. If you aren’t done this semester, you’ll have a nice summer break before returning in the fall. Either way, every student will need time off to have fun and relax. I’ll mention a few general cost-efficient things that one could do during the summer to help them take the edge off a busy spring semester.

Corona Del Mar Beach

Of course, with the heat already coming in, going to the beach is a must. Any beach will do as long as you have a little space to put your stuff down. You can lay a towel on the sand and sunbathe, maybe get a little tan. Everyone loves looking a little sun-kissed. If you prefer being more active, try finding an area with a net to try out beach volleyball. Or simply run into the ocean! As a kid, I remember going about knee-deep in the water and waiting for the waves to get close enough to jump over them. I would try avoiding touching the white part of the water when I jumped as my little game. Oh, the nostalgia! Oh yeah, I can’t forget building sandcastles! If you have any toys that could help, you bring them. If not, you could honestly use anything with a hole. You could use a bowl or a small Tupperware. I haven’t had a good beach day in a while, so I definitely am going to take my own advice and go this summer.

Community Beach at Hart Park in Orange

Something similar is going to the pool! If you have a pool where you live, that’s even better because you won’t have to go far at all. If you don’t have a pool where you live, try asking a friend or family member that does. If all else fails, there is always a community pool nearby that could work. I know there might be a bit of embarrassment that may come a long with going to the community pool, but it isn’t that different from having the pool to yourself. It adds liveliness and energy.

Color 5K Fun Run at the Angel Stadium 

One last thing you could do during the summer is to invest in physical activity other than the gym. This could be running at a park or trail, playing tennis, attempting basketball, volleyball, or ultimate frisbee, or signing up for fun runs. The possibilities are endless. I say you do something other than the gym because the gym can be boring. You are surrounded by the same machines doing the same workouts. It would be more fun to spice it up just a bit by doing something like a sport. The best thing about it is that it can be very cheap to do! You don’t need a fancy facility to play the sport, you can go to a park and more likely than not there will be a court. All you will need to do is pick the activity and get the necessary supplies, which shouldn’t be much. I plan to play a bit of tennis since I already have a racquet and balls and hopefully attend some fun runs over the summer.

 If you’ve had a stressful spring semester, I hope you will try out one of these ways to relax. As a student, and most likely as someone who works as well, you don’t have a lot of time to have fun. During summer break, you will have more free time to go out and do these activities and live a little bit away from assignments and quizzes. Whether you decide to or not, I wish everyone a fantastic summer and good luck to those graduating!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

My Season as a Color Guard Director

Tuffree during parade season.
    Hello! I am back to write yet another story about color guard. I teach at Tuffree Middle School. I am currently finishing out my second year. I was in color guard all throughout middle and high school. I actually attended the school I teach at now, which makes it more special to me. In the fall we march parade with the band, in the winter we go solo for our indoor performances.

    Last winter guard season I registered my guard in the lowest division, JHAAA. Which was perfect for us, because it was the year right after COVID, none of the girls had performed in person before and I was new. We ended up becoming WGASC bronze medalists. WGASC is the local circuit we compete in, stands for Winter Guard Association of Southern California.

Posing with 2022 bronze medals!
Since we were extremely successful in our division, we were promoted to compete in one division higher, JHAA. After so many ideas running through my head of show ideas, I chose to make our show to the song Car Wash. Specifically the version from the movie Shark Tale, I just felt it was more fun!

With the song picked, I moved on to decide what costumes they would be wearing. I needed to make them look like they were working at an actual car wash. I found the perfect costume to mimic overalls.

We couldn't have a car wash without a car. So I had my brother in law build us a 2D car that I painted. Throughout the season, some of the girls’ dads provided upgrades to the car such as wheels, and metal handles. The girls loved seeing this car for the first time!

Our car with a fresh paint job. 
Our first competition was interesting to say the least. We had our music cut out! About one minute of our three and a half minute song actually played. However the girls continued to perform without the music! It was extremely mature and professional of them to do. I was so proud. Despite the mishap, we ended up getting first place!

Our second performance was pouring rain all morning! This is a huge inconvenience for many reasons. One, the car is made of wood and we transport it in the back of a pickup truck. Two, warm up time is usually outside for all shows. This school had little to no awnings for the girls to hide under, leaving us limited space and no room for tosses. Three, the floor they performed on was wet due to the rain outside. All these factors worked hard against the team and ultimately stressed them out. Even though it was a rough run for them, they placed second.

1st at Pacifica HS!
Our third performance was everything I could ask for! It was a perfect day, it was the first day of spring break for the girls. The energy was up, the performance presence was strong. They counted and did everything right that day. This would be the last performance before championships, we placed first!

After every high comes a low. Since the girls had a week off for spring break, they came back sloppy in terms of skill, energy, and motivation. People were missing practice, no one seemed to care, everything was rusty, and it felt as if no one wanted to be there. At the same time, I felt this sense of arrogance from them. Since they won the last show, they believed they wouldn’t need to try for championships, it would be handed to them. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I had to have a talk explaining to them that this is the time most teams push through, make improvements, and gain points. If they wanted to get a medal they needed to work for it. 

Posing with our 2023 bronze medals.
 (Yes, I matched them). 
This talk seemed to get through to them. It was like hitting a switch. I had the old team back. It was amazing. Due to their hard work and dedication we became bronze medalists for the second year in a row. Next year we will be moved up to the next division, JHA. I can’t wait to see what that season brings us. Continuing to climb the ladder!

This year has taught me so much. I had so much fun. The team teaches me as I teach them it is a great relationship. I am so thankful they give me the opportunity to continue my passion as a director. I can't wait to see who the people I teach grow up to be. They are all so amazingly talented!

I <3 Color Guard.

WGI World Championships Recap

     On April 13th, WGI world championships began in Dayton, Ohio. This is an event where top winter guards from around the world come together to compete and watch each other's performances. This recap will focus on the two top divisions, Scholastic World and Independent World Class. 

Onyx Performing at WGI Finals. Photo by Tony McCrackin.

Scholastic World Class are for groups representing high schools. The independent class is for the performers usually out of high school. As the name suggests, they usually have no ties to colleges or schools, however some do. 

The event is spread out into three days. Thursday for prelims, Friday for semi-finals, Saturday for finals. Each round, depending on the number of groups performing, guards are eliminated. By finals only the top 15 will perform. For perspective, some of the classes with the most competitors start with around 50. 

These groups are judged based on 4 categories: movement, equipment, design, and overall general effect. Movement focuses on the dancing abilities, equipment on the spinning of flags, rifles, and sabres. Design focuses on the theming of the show, general effect focuses on the performance and the show overall.  

This year there were 21 Scholastic World groups to start off with. According to the WGI policy manual, 30 groups or less to start with means 20 groups get to move on to semi-finals. However, this year they allowed all 21 groups to perform in semi-finals. This could be because they did not just want to eliminate one group. Below are the standing scores after semi-finals. 

  1. Carmel HS -  95.9

  2. Tarpon Springs HS - 95.1

  3. The Woodlands HS - 94.0

  4. Avon HS - 92.9

  5. Arcadia HS - 91.1

  6. MiamisBurg HS - 89.6

  7. Northview HS - 88.1

  8. West Broward HS - 87.9

  9. Cleveland HS (NC) - 87.1

  10. El Dorado HS - 86.2

  11. Stoneman Douglas HS - 84.9

  12. Center Grove HS - 83.7

  13. Kiski Area HS - 83.5

  14. Warren Central HS - 82.5

  15. Chino Hills HS - 81.9

  16. Bellbrook HS - 81.5

  17. Fishers HS - 80.0

  18. Moe and Gene Johnson HS - 78.7

  19. Flanagan HS - 78.2

  20. Marvin Ridge HS -77.5

  21. Norwin HS - 77.4

As for who gets to move onto finals, only the top 15 make it. Most groups just strive to make it to finals as it is a huge honor in the color guard community. However, comparing the 15th and 16th scores, you can just see how competitive it can be. Bellbrook HS lost their finals spot by four tenths of a point.

Screenshot of Carmel HS Finals Performance.

In comparison, the independent class started off with 35 groups for prelims. In WGI's rules only 24 groups get to move onto semi-finals. Which is exactly what happened. Here are the standing scores for the independent class.

  1. Paramount - 96.9

  2. Blessed Sacrament - 96.2

  3. Pride of Cincinnati - 95.4

  4. Fusion Winter Guard - 93.4 

  5. Onyx - 92.9

  6. Fantasia - 91.5

  7. Mirage - 91.0

  8. ORIGINS - 90.9

  9. UCF Pegasus World - 88.5

  10. Etude - 88.4

  11. AMP Winter Guard - 87.6

  12. FIU Winter Guard - 87.0

  13. Juxtaposition - 85.4

  14. Tampa Independent - 85.4

  15. Mayflower - 83.7

  16. Lexis - 83.4

  17. FeniX Independent - 82.9

  18. Malachi - 81.6

  19. Invictus - 81.1

  20. In Motion Performance Ensemble - 79.4

  21. Icon Winter Guard - 79.2

  22. Relentless - 78.7

  23. First Flight - 77.4

  24. Edge Independent - 77.0

Just like the scholastic class, only the top 15 move on to finals for the independent world class. Comparing the scores of the 15th and 16th spot again, you can see how close it was for this division as well. Lexis lost their spot to just three tenths of a point to Mayflower. 

The WGI Champions of the Scholastic World Class was Carmel HS. They kept their first place standing throughout all three performances, which is extremely impressive. Their performance was named “Lean On Me.” Their music was all piano and super fun. The audience was even clapping along during their final performance. There was no ensemble flag feature, which usually appears in winter guard shows. However, there was a huge rifle presence throughout the whole show. I interpreted the rifles as the piano keys dancing across the floor. This is adamant with the surplus of ripple tosses throughout the show that perfectly match the music.  

Photo by Jolesch Enterprises of Carmel HS. 

Here is a link to view their finals performance.

The WGI Champions of the Independent World Class was Paramount. Just like Carmel, Paramount kept their first place title the whole weekend. With each score improving with every performance, there was no doubt their performance was breathtaking. This production was called “Drawn Together.” One of my favorite elements of this show was the flag silks. The first opening silk had a cut out in it, making a huge whole, the choreography even utilized this whole with performance weaving themselves through the silks. The ending silks had each performer's face and name printed on them in a sketch style. Thus the team was drawn together with the completion of the flag feature. 

Screenshot of Paramount's final performance.

Here is a link to view Paramount's Final Performance.

WGI had so many amazing performances this year, I can’t wait to see what is in store for next year!

Photo by Jolesch Enterprises of Paramount.