Monday, April 3, 2023

My Opinion on your Zodiac Sign: Brutally Honest Edition

 I would consider myself an astrology enthusiast. You know that one friend you have, as soon as they meet someone they ask what their sign is? That’s me, I’m that friend. So today I am going to give my opinion on every zodiac sign: brutally honest edition. 

Some things to note: 

I will be talking about rising and moon signs. Your sun sign is the sign you are based the day you were born. However your rising sign and moon sign are different and can be calculated based on the time you were born as well as the place you were born. Here is a link to find out what your “Big 3” is →

Your rising sign (ascendent), is the sign that you give off when people first meet you. This is the sign people see you as most from a surface level point of view. Your moon sign is your emotions, who you are in closed doors. Your moon sign dictates how you process things emotionally, and how you deal with things that upset or anger you. Your sun sign is who you are to your core, so while some people feel like they don’t resonate with their sun sign, this is often because they are more closely related to their rising sign. You get the idea? 

Let’s start in chronological order with the first sign:


3/20 - 4/20 

I’m a little biased because I am an aries and I’m awesome but my ex is also an aries and he cheated on me with my best friend… so, there are some flaws in the sign. Since aries is the first sign in the zodiac order, they are known as the leaders. Every aries I have ever met has been a leader and has commanded some kind of presence. Because they are a fire sign, they are confident and very passionate. Aries are also known for being funny, their humor is usually dry, sarcastic, and straight up. (Think: Kourtney Kardashian and Lady Gaga). However, aries are also extremely impulsive and at times confrontational. When you mix confident, confrontational and impulsive traits together, things can get messy. Especially if aries is your moon sign… being an aries emotionally can get pretty chaotic because they aren’t afraid to express when they are upset, and they will do so passionately and impulsively. Overall, I would rate aries women at 9.1/10, and aries men at 7.4/10. (Yes, I’m still holding the grudge against my ex).



4/20 - 5/20 

Taurus is an earth sign. They are normally pretty grounded, but because of that, they can be a little too grounded in their opinions and beliefs. This results in them often being very stubborn. Appearance wise they are pretty put together, the girls especially have mastered the “clean girl aesthetic.” Because they are an earth sign they usually get along with everyone. I would describe these signs as chill and down to earth, (can you guess why)? Taurus' are the most genuine sign in my opinion, they don't put up with BS and will always tell it how it is. They are very observant, so when you get into an altercation with a Taurus they usually know how to handle you just from observation in the past. Taurus is also debatably the best moon sign to have. Because they are so grounded this goes hand in hand with their emotions as well. Overall I would rate taurus women a 8.45/10 and taurus men a 7.1/10. (Stop being so stubborn). 



5/21 - 6/21

Gemini’s are an air sign. They have the reputation that everyone has heard: two faced. I actually disagree, I think they definitely can be, but this is because I would argue that they are the most socially intelligent sign. Gemini’s know how to read a room. They can be outgoing if they are around outgoing people, or they can be more quiet if they are around quiet people. Gemini people are also very goal oriented, when they put their mind to something they will do it. But let's get down to the nitty gritty… Sometimes being too socially aware can be their downfall. They often get in their heads and can overanalyze a situation. This is why they are perceived as two-faced. A gemini’s worst enemy is themselves, but it's also their greatest strength, so slay. Overall I would rate Gemini women a 9.01/10 and Gemini men a 7/10. (Gemini men need to be funnier, the ladies can’t keep holding the humor on their back.) 


6/22 - 7/22

Cancer is a water sign, best known for being very emotional. While I agree, I also think cancers are very kind. Cancers show their emotions through their eyes. If you want to know if a cancer is upset, angry or happy, they show it in their eyes first. However because cancers are very kind they often get walked over on by people. They can be people pleasers at times and this is definitely the downfall of their sign. But cancers are the best when you want to have a drunk and emotional conversation. They will cry with you, laugh with you, and it’s just a moment. Definitely recommend. If you ever need to tell anyone a secret: tell cancer. They are very loyal and will always be there for you. I'm a firm believer that everyone needs a cancer in their life. If cancer is in your moon placement, you’re definitely emotional, even if you don’t show it. Cancer moons tend to hold things in a lot, so stop doing that. Overall I would give cancer women a 8/10 and cancer men a whopping 8.79/10. (My ex-situation was cancer, I should call him). 



7/23 - 8/22

Leo is the second fire sign we are on and they are definitely the biggest fire sign in the chart. Leo’s are known for being the most outgoing zodiac sign. They love to conversate, they are super social, and they can usually make friends with just about anyone. However, leos need to be humbled at times. I actually don’t like leos, which is a pretty hot take considering I'm a fire sign. The downfall of leos is that they are often looked at as full of themselves and cocky. Sometimes they can’t always be the center of attention and that’s okay. (I said I was going to be brutally honest so let me speak my truth). All in all leo is a dope sign, and you probably have a lot of leo friends because if they are a leo they have probably told you like 50 times. If leo is in your moon, you are very bold with your emotions. If you are upset, everyone will know about it. Overall I would rate leo women a 6.5/10 and leo men a 6.73/10. (Let’s stop making “being a leo” your personality trait). 



Virgo is an earth sign, so again very grounded. The difference between virgos and tauruses is that virgos are way more calculated. This trait alone can be used in a good way or a bad way. For example, this is used for good because they are usually very socially aware. They are really observant and good at reading people so they know how to cheer anyone up. They are also super sweet, and very fun to party with. Because they are so socially aware they can sometimes be a little too calculated. Virgo’s are master manipulators so beware because if they want to outthink you they can. If you’re dating someone with virgo in their moon, run because it can get scary. Being grounded and calculated with your emotions is like a snake attack waiting to happen. Overall I would rate virgo women a 7.45/10 and virgo men a 7.31/10. (You just scare me a little, that’s all). 



Libra is an air sign, so go with the flow. (No pun intended). They are the flirtiest zodiac sign. They are very charismatic, and the true life of the party. Libra’s are known for weighing out their problems, but they can never seem to come to any solution. They are super indecisive, and can be hot headed at times. You don’t want to get into a fight with a libra because they are quick with their words. Just as they are quick to flirt, they are quick to clap back as well. Libra’s also often victimize themselves but when they really mess up they will own up to it. If you are a libra rising, congratulations, I would argue that’s one of the best signs to give off because libras are just a vibe. If libra is in your moon, I wish you good luck trying to make any kind of decision. Overall I would rate libra women a 8.97/10 and libra men a 8.79/10. (Flirting for fun needs to stop being your personality trait). 



10/24 - 11/22

Scorpios are a water sign and they are the worlds biggest secret softies. However, scorpios deal with their emotions completely different from a cancer. I would argue that scorpios are the fire signs of the water signs. Scorpios often try to hide their emotions by holding everything in, this is why they are perceived as “mysterious.” They can come across as cold but deep down they are a huge softy. They are also extremely charming and cunning. Having scorpio in your moon is a little terrifying considering this means you are very emotional but very good at hiding it. However, when they decide to show how they feel, it will be known to everyone. On the positive side, if this is your rising sign you are usually pretty funny and charming. You know how to work a room and you are also pretty confident in your social skills. Overall I would rate scorpio women a 9.3/10 and scorpio men a 8.65/10. (Stop exploding on everyone because you decided to hold everything in, it’s exhausting). 



11/22 - 12/21

Sagittarius is our final fire sign, and they are known for being super funny. I would argue that they are one of the funniest zodiac signs. They are also pretty weird, but in an endearing way. They love being outside and feel really connected to nature and traveling. Sagittarius’ are also very competitive and sometimes this can be used in a negative light as they tend to compare themselves to other people. Just like gemini’s, their worst enemy is themselves. They tend to get in their head a lot, and often base their value on the views of others. Because of this, a sagittarius can either be one of the most selfless people you will meet or one of the most selfish. If you are a sagittarius moon, you probably cope with your emotions through humor, and if you’re a sagittarius rising then you’re definitely the life of the party. Overall I would rate sagittarius women an 8.23/10 and sagittarius men a 8.45/10. (Circle back to my ex (aries) that cheated on me with my best friend…She was a sagittarius, so I have to dock points. Yes, I’m still bitter). 



12/22 - 1/19 

Our final earth sign, and I would argue the most grounded earth sign. When I say grounded it’s a good thing, and an extremely annoying thing as well. Capricorns are by far the most stubborn zodiac sign. You could give a capricorn the most poetic, life changing, jaw-dropping advice, and they will still do what they want to do and then wonder why it didn’t work out for them. They are also super impatient, they want things done their way and at their pace. However, capricorns are very loyal, in fact one of the most loyal of the signs. Having a girl capricorn bestie is the best because if you hate someone, they will hate them even more on your behalf. They are also extremely driven in life and very creative as well. Capricorns are those people that can pick up just about anything. They love being good at stuff, but they equally hate being bad at things. If they can’t pick something up they will likely just quit, (stubborn af). If you are a capricorn moon, let's learn to take advice and look at things from a bigger perspective. Overall I would rate capricorn women a 8.12/10 and capricorn men a 7.98/10. (If you are going to ask for my amazing advice then take it shordie). 



1/20 - 2/17 

Despite “aqua” being in the name, Aquarius is an air sign. I have a love/hate relationship with aquarius. On one hand, they are the ultimate people's person. Aquarius’ will get along with everyone, they are the kings and queens of one liners and are great at storytelling. They are also hustlers, they dream big and usually do whatever they can to achieve it. However, they are prone to playing the victim and being very dramatic. You don’t want to get into a fight with an Aquarius because they will convince you that you were in the wrong even when you weren’t. Aquarius’ have a lot of love for others though, and they love cheering on their friends and family. If Aquarius is in your moon, you probably have a lot of emotions and you don’t really know what to do with them. Identify the source of the problem first, and if it’s yourself then deal with it. Overall I would rate aquarius women a 6.97/10 (I’m sorry this is my least favorite woman sign but if my professor is an aquarius then it is now my favorite). I would rate aquarius men a 7.99/10. (Please stop gaslighting me). 


2/19 - 3/20 

We have finally made it to the 12th and final zodiac sign! I would say save the best for last, but that would be a lie lol. Before we get down to the nitty gritty there are a lot of positives in the sign. Pisces are extremely empathetic, they are actually known for this. They have a great ability to understand how people feel and how to connect with them. They are a water sign, so as we know, pretty emotional. They are also dreamers, they are often in their own little fantasyland picturing different scenarios for their life. To their core, pisces are kind and imaginative. They are also pretty philosophical in their thinking and worldview. However, because pisces are so empathetic, they are good at using emotions to their advantage, thus making them master manipulators. They can be extremely selfish, and often project their own emotions onto other people. When a pisces thinks they are right, they can be ruthless, and let's not even talk about the grudges they hold. If pisces is in your moon placement, you are probably very empathetic, just try to put yourself first sometimes. Overall I would rate pisces women a 8.8/10 and pisces men a 6.98/10. (Don’t use my own weaknesses against me, so rude). 

Well, that’s a wrap. Take all of these with a grain of salt because they are just my personal opinions. If you guys want, let me know your big 3 in the comments and I will give you guys my opinion, but only if you are ready to be slightly humbled. 



  1. As a Pisces, I can concur. (not the manipulative part, no no)

  2. hmm as a cancer i agree we’re super loyal. I love my friends and i’m such a ride or die! But i don’t agree with the sometimes walked over part because I definitely speak up when needed.

    1. oooo what's your rising and moon sign??

  3. Woohoo as a Libra!

  4. I loved reading this. I was born on July 22 and I'm right on the cusp of Cancer and Leo. I definitely see all characteristics of both signs in me. Emotional, yet stubborn, haha.

  5. As a Gemini, I was nervous going into this... however!! I am so pleasantly surprised, and I feel like you know the inner workings of my mind. The reading the room part was so spot on.

  6. I'm an Aquarius.. I'll take your criticism as a sign to stop being dramatic haha!! But I do agree with the fact that Aquarius are people person's because I do try to please other people very often, so you're very accurate with your opinions.

  7. Definitely a brutally honest take on the signs; I felt seen yet attacked. I'm Leo rising and Gemini moon, so I get it, I do tell people I'm a Leo but ONLY if the opportunity arises haha. Also, loved your Gemini take. Not many people think that way and I agree, they don't deserve the bad rep.

  8. This was so fun to read! I am a virgo, I never thought of myself as a manipulator, haha! I am glad to see a refreshing review of gemini that is not just strictly negative.

  9. I love this blog post. I am obsessed with learning about my zodiac sign. I am laughing at how you said you were scared of us (I am a virgo). I am blessed to have been rated a 7 because it really seems like you know what you are talking about!

  10. OMG I see a few water signs in the comments haha, I'm a cancer myself. I relate to most of what you said but the end, yeah you should not call. May you be blessed with more cancers!
