Friday, April 28, 2023

The 20 Something Crisis

"If you going through one you are not alone" 

    So I am about to turn 26 in June, June 2nd to be exact. Even just typing that out seems very unnatural to me. I still feel like I am 22, going to community college, working a minimum wage job and not really having a sense of direction. Looking back I think it safe to say I have came a long way but I still feel a bit unsatisfied? Something missing perhaps? A part of me knows I should not be comparing my journey/success to others.  I know I am not the only one that needs to remind themselves not to compare your success from others, but it can hard not to.

    Around this age, I see many of my friends around the same age married and having children.  A few of my high school friends graduated years ago and I an barely a junior at CSUF (transfer student). Sometimes even family members can add to the pressure when they ask questions like "When do you plan to get married and have kids? What do you plan to do once you graduate? When do you graduate?  The pressure from not only myself feels like its on me but also the pressure of my families opinions. As if your own thoughts are not doing enough overtime. 

    I think what I am trying to say is that I feel like I would of accomplished a lot more around this age. After doing some extensive research, I came to a conclusion that I was going through a quarterly life crisis.  If you are the same age as me or getting there and are starting the feel the same way. Here are some tips I use to pick myself out my quarterly life crisis mind rut.  

5 Tips:

1. Focus On Yourself 

I know it seems simple but try to prioritize yourself more. Incorporating small things your enjoy doing throughout the day can be beneficial for your mental health.  Doing your self-care, reading that nook you been putting off, or take a stroll around the neighborhood. 

2. Find What Makes You Happy 

You are going through some changes and thats okay. What used to make you happy may not make you feel the same way anymore.  Try new things and hobbies, you never know what you may find to be fun! Sometimes tapping into your inner child can do the trick.  

3. Trust in the Process 

Its okay to anxious, in fact its normal. Without a feeling of discomfort there is no room for growth! Remember that your time is coming and enjoy the process.  

4. Set Healthy Boundaries with Friends and Family 

If you are being asked questions that make come off as pushy or touchy subjects. Learning communication skills to set healthy boundaries can come in handy with the time comes. Being assertive but also not offending anyone in your response is the goal to healthy boundaries. 

5. Focus on Your Goals 

Just because you are getting older and wiser, doesn't mean your goals have to change.  Its never too late to accomplish what you want in life. Keep going!  

If you are going through a quarter life crisis, you are not alone. I hope these tips were helpful reminder that you are exactly where you need to be. I leave you off with a famous quote, 

“Today is the oldest you’ve ever been, and the youngest you’ll ever be again.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. I have definitely gone through the crisis, and maybe I'm still going through it haha. I used some of the same tips you mentioned and it helped me a lot.

  2. Definitely going through a quarter life crisis, but these tips just leveled me out a bit. If it makes you feel any better, you inspire me with you business so much! You aren't behind at all, this is just the beginning. <3

  3. I LOVE this blog post. I think it a lot of the difficult, raw, thoughts a lot of individuals experience when they are in their 20's. The pressure from what you're peers are doing at the same time is definitely a big stressor. Don't worry, we are all in this together lol!
