Thursday, April 6, 2023

4 Booktok Books That Aren't Worth the Hype

 The rise of Tik Tok gave the rise to a book subculture that connects readers worldwide. This subculture created a giant book club in which millions share their opinions. The subculture is appropriately named Booktok. Booktok has the power to sell out books in mere days. Who cares about of the New York Times Bestseller's list, if your book isn't popular on Booktok then did it really even happen. Okay... Maybe the last part is an exaggeration, but it's pretty accurate. It's a great way to find new and interesting books. It can connect a new author to lots of readers. But what happens when Booktok is wrong. Here are 5 times Booktok got it all wrong.

1. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

This book was an easy read, but I struggled to be captivated by it. The build ups and twist were incredibly underwhelming. I finished the wanting something more. From the hype of the book, I expected it to be one of the greatest books, but that was definitely not the case. I felt like the plot had been done many times before in a ton of YA novels. The "perfect family" with a secret that you would never expect trope in this book didn't satisfy me in ways other books have. The characters didn't capture me and resonate with me. I don't hate the book, but it is easily forgettable compared to other booktok books.

Rating: 5 Sinclair's out 10

2. They Both Die in The End by Adam Silveria

This book is probably the most controversial on the list. I am definitely going to lose a lot of people for this one. I wanted to like this one so bad, but after trying to finish it 3 times I gave up. Maybe if I actually finished it I would have a different opinion. I love the concept. It is genius. Basically, what would you do on your last day if you didn't have anyone to spend it with. The development took too long to develop for me. The main characters don't even meet until halfway through the book. If it weren't for this aspect maybe I would like it more. I am willing to give it another chance.

Rating: 6 Death-cast out of 10

3. The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Like 'They Both Die in the End' this book has a really loyal following. There are even sequels to this book. I think my problem mostly was that I listened to the audio book. I couldn't get into it. It reminded me a lot about knives out. I'm not much of a romance fan in books, so when romance is introduced to books it loses my interest. This book is on so many peoples list and I was a lot disappointed by it.

Rating: 3 Hawthrone's out of 10

4. It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

I LOVE Colleen Hoover, but she has so many books that are better than this one. It is really good, but I found it bland. I didn't hate this book, but not the best work from this author. Hoover is known for crazy twist and turns, but I found this book predictable. It seems like a more basic storyline. The pull between past love and current love was just not exciting to me. For it to be made into a movie is kind of crazy to me. I think this book is just overhyped. If you are looking to really looking to get into a Colleen Hoover book, I suggest 'Verity'. It has romance and a ton of twist.

Rating: 7 BIB's out of 10


  1. The amount of screenshots I have of books I'll never read from TikTok is embarrassing. I love this concept, and I'll definitely take it into account next time I find myself on BookTok.

  2. I read it ends with us and I really love the author but I have to agree with you it was pretty bland.

  3. I'm really glad you wrote this because I was just about to pick up "It Ends With Us" by Colleen Hoover because my friend was talking about it. I'll make sure to pick up Verity instead!

  4. I don't get the hype for It Ends With Us. I remember when I read it and it was disappointing. Even though I hated it, I'm still gonna watch the movie that's coming out. Makes me curious. Also, I agree with Verity, 10/10. Still think about it to this day.

  5. I read it ends with us because of the hype that Tiktok gave it and I'm glad I did because that book was so good. I'm currently reading another book from colleen Hoover, I will say she is a good writer.

  6. I agree with this list! I rated "We Were Liars" 2 stars, avoided "They Both Die at the End" because of the title and how boring I have heard it was, I liked "The Inheritance Games" but I feel like it was also boring, and I won't lie ... I liked "It Ends With Us" when I read it back in 2016 when it came out. I was 15 at the time and it was a heavy topic for a girl my age and I don't remember much now, but I have seen reviews that include quotes that I agree with now as an adult.

  7. Wow! Reading your review on It Ends With Us changed my perspective. I am obsessed with this book, I honestly think it is one of her bests, but you bring up some really strong points. Also Verity is also my favorite book of hers, so I know you have good taste;)

    1. - Natalie Benincasa (oops forgot to change my name)

  8. Thank you for this! I have a lists of books from tiktok in my notes. This took off a book or two.

  9. I am so surprised that They Both Die in The End is on this list. I was hoping when I had time to pick up this book, but a few people seem disappointed. I still might give it a go someday.

  10. OMG! I have never been into reading but once I picked up It Ends With Us, I could not put it down! Some of these books make reading so much fun and I can't wait to start with some of your recommendations!

  11. I have to admit, I borrowed my sisters book, It Ends With Us and stopped reading it after the 8th chapter. It got a little slow after her and the neurosurgeon started dating lol.
