Sunday, November 20, 2011

Black Friday

It is hard not to notice that Black Friday is approaching with all the advertisements, there is no escaping it. Truthfully, The thought of Black Friday makes me cringe. I do not understand the craziness of it all. I do love a good deal but it seems like Black Friday has it price tag too. I have a few issues with when it comes this November 25th.

Shopping on Black Friday means you pay the price for rudeness, crowds and just an outright headache. Waiting in long lines and camping out in the cold is not my thing. I do not think no one item is that important to me or I would rather pay the extra money to not have to deal with those things. I guess I am just impatient but it all seems like such a hassle. People seem to be more impolite when shopping on Black Friday because they are on some type of mission and no one can stand in their way to get that perfect item.

Another thing, is it really Black Friday if most deals start the day before or even the week before? Poor Thanksgiving it just gets looked over and it seems Black Friday is a more important event or holiday. The day designated to be thankful for all you have is ironically pushed aside to buy more things to be thankful for. I read that the deals start so early in the morning because people like to have their Thanksgiving dinner then want to go shop right after. Personally, I like to enjoy my holidays and relax; I cannot imagine a whole night of shopping after a big dinner with my whole family.

Black Friday madness really can upset me because people often forget what is important. I would think in a not so great economy people would come to realize it is not all about running out and buying things but it does not seem that way. I do not have a problem with gift giving but it seems to be under appreciated these days. I also miss the value of Thanksgiving and really celebrating what it has to offer.


  1. I actually like Black Friday. I am definitely not one to get up and go super early in the morning, and for sure will not be one to go at midnight like many stores are doing this year. I actually find that most stores' sales aren't even that great. I guess places with electronics and such are a bit better, but places that have clothes and stuff marked down all the ugly things. Once and while I have found a good deal, but I truthfully just go for the feel and ambiance of it all. I especially love when it's cold out! I love dressing warm in cute winter clothes and buying coffee while shopping. I know people probably think I am crazy, but I just love it! It actually starts getting me in the Christmas mood. But yeah, I would never be one of those in the line like your picture shows. I do agree though, people seem to put the shopping before Thanksgiving and that is messed up. I don't like the idea of stores opening at midnight (or earlier) this year. I feel people should be staying in for the night and enjoying their family and friends, not peacing out after dinner in order to go get in line for a sale. I also can't stand the morons you see on the news who will fight over things and run through the doors trampling over one another just to get in first; that's over the top and ridiculous!

  2. My brother did this one time, and at first I thought it was absolutely crazy that people would actually do this, but the great deals that my brother got, i would not mind at all camping out. I love this!

  3. I've never experienced black friday before, I actually have plans on going this year just for the sake of saying that I've gone.

    I think a lot of people go just to go,they all know what they're getting themselves into. I know what I'm getting myself into this year; I'm prepared for war. Hopefully I come out with a new 42" flat screen for ~$250.

  4. I go out on black Friday sometimes. I like to think of it more as another tradition than as a time where Americans go out an spend money they don't have (although it is true). It is just depends on how you look at it.

  5. I do like to shop on Black Friday but I wouldn't go to the extreme and camp out to get some deals. You brought up a great point saying that Black Friday comes with a price tag too because you have to deal with crazy lines, parking, rudeness, etc. But, at the end of this madness you get some great deals and save a lot of money.

  6. Black Friday is pretty crazy. The deals are pretty good but dealing with the rabid people can be a headache. I always end up getting out of bed and heading to the mall but I get your point.

  7. I am not a fan of waiting in long lines and battling for deals. It seems over the last few years Black Friday has turned into a sport and event of its own. People are pushing, shoving and screaming for what? I know the deals are good but what you have to endure just does not seem worth it. I would rather eat and drink myself into a food coma and enjoy Thanksgiving. If I want a deal I will check out the internet for “cyber Monday” where I don’t have to worry about being robbed, pushed, shot or pepper sprayed.
