Thursday, November 24, 2011

What Thanksgiving is Really All About

As a student it can be easy to get caught up in the Thanksgiving hype and forget what it is really all about. Some people are just so happy to have work or school off and to eat lots of great food, they don't truly think about the meaning behind Thanksgiving and how important it is! With our busy lives, jam packed with jobs, homework and errands, we don't always have the time to spend with family.  Thanksgiving is that one time of year where we all come together and think about things that we are thankful for. 

Unfortunately, because the economy has been so bad, many retailers have tried to entice customers to come in by changing "Black Friday" into "Brown Thursday." Forcing retail workers to leave their families and friends just so big corporations can turn a bigger profit is sad. Everyone should be able to spend their Thanksgiving with their families and friends. 

Toys R Us is opening at 9 p.m. and Walmart will be opening at 10 p.m. Thanksgiving day, while places like Kohl's, Target, Best Buy and Banana Republic will be opening up at midnight. Last year, Sears was one of the first stores to announce they would be opening on Brown Thursday, however they are not repeating their Brown Thursday opening because there wasn't a great turn out and noticed a lot of customers were annoyed that they were leaving their families to shop.

As a society we need to realize that although Brown Thursday and Black Friday are great opportunities to score big on deals that otherwise wouldn't be available, we should take this time to appreciate what we do have and help others that are in need. Besides, I know you are all sick of the crazy Target workout lady commercials...

I am thankful for my family, friends and my future. I am thankful that I will have food on my table this Thanksgiving and won't have to worry about having a roof over my head. What are you all thankful for?
Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Well said. I don't want people thinking I see the world through rose colored glasses but I think that people are always thankful even if it's not on their face. I'm big on tradition, and if some peoples' traditions are going to Black Friday, stuffing their faces with family, or watching football all day, that's great!

    Happy Thanksgiving, all!

  2. I saw people camping out at Best Buy on the Monday before Thanksgiving! Crazy what people will do for a cheap TV from an off-brand. There's no way retail should come before family.

  3. I agree that all the marketing and retailers have taken total advantage of this time of year. Along with Brown Thursday and Black Friday, there is also Cyber Monday with all the online deals.

    The last two years have gotten totally out of control with people being pepper sprayed, trampled, and injured trying to get a good deal. There are a bunch of videos on YouTube that show the craziness from this year. People were even fighting over towels! We really need to take a minute and remember what this time of year is really about.

  4. Great article. I always try to remember what's really important and have my priorities in order. I had a great Thanksgiving this year surrounded by family and friends.
