Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Short Hair

For years I was known for my long hair. It was the first thing anyone noticed about me and was often how I would set myself apart. My hair carried an abundance of my identity. It gave me confidence, brought me comfort and connected me to my heritage. 

The Hispanic women in my family would fawn over my hair and shower me with praise. They would warn me to never cut it and would express how short hair would not suit me. To them, long hair was feminine and beautiful, whereas short hair was deemed childish or masculine.

As I grew older their words became embedded into my mind. I connected my self image and worth to my long hair. I was attached to the way people viewed me and the things they would say about me.

Everything changed when the pandemic struck. I of course had too much time on my hands and I got to thinking: why do I have long hair? Why is so much of my identity rooted in this one external characteristic? I never made the choice to have this appearance. It seemed to have just happened and everyone encouraged me to maintain the length. 

My questions led to more questions and I realized how heavily my self worth was immersed in my hair. I began to wonder who I was without it and how much of my identity was lost within it. 

I decided to take a risk and cut off 15 inches of my precious hair. I recall being apprehensive at first, but I needed to own my appearance. 

My sister Celeste put together a make-shift salon in our kitchen, as none were available amidst the pandemic. She was surprised I had come to this decision, but she was my biggest supporter. She snipped away at my locks and inch by inch, the hair that once brought me tremendous pride was scattered across the tile flooring. 

Celeste handed me a mirror once she was satisfied with her work. I was shocked by the reflection that stared back at me. It was the same person I had always been, yet someone I did not recognize.


Reactions from my family and peers were mixed. Some were supportive, others were disappointed. Neither opinion affected me as deeply anymore – I was happy with my new appearance. 

I have now had short hair for about four years and I truly believe it has granted me an opportunity to develop my own identity. Over the years my personality has shifted and changed, but I have learned that it’s okay to shed my skin and grow into someone new. 

The Positive Pipeline of Mixed Martial Arts


In the midst of my college journey at 20, a fascinating realm captured my attention and passion—the surge of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) enthusiasts and the meteoric rise of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). Having cut my teeth in wrestling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), the evolving landscape of MMA felt like a natural progression, a thrilling extension of my martial arts odyssey.Mma Stock Photos, Royalty Free Mma Images | DepositphotosWrestling had always been my foundational pillar, a relentless pursuit of physical prowess and tactical finesse. As college life unfolded, my exploration of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu provided a deeper understanding of the intricate chess match on the ground. However, the allure of MMA beckoned—an amalgamation of disciplines that promised not just physical exertion but an intellectual and emotional challenge.

Witnessing the burgeoning community of MMA enthusiasts, both within my college circles and globally, became a testament to the sport's universal appeal. The rise of local gyms, amateur competitions, and the camaraderie among practitioners showcased a shared enthusiasm for a sport that defied traditional boundaries. MMA, once a niche pursuit, had evolved into a cultural phenomenon, attracting individuals from diverse backgrounds seeking a holistic athletic experience.

TKO Group, which houses WWE and UFC, begins trading on the New York Stock  Exchange | AP NewsCentral to this phenomenon is the unparalleled success of the UFC, a promotional juggernaut that has propelled MMA into the mainstream. The UFC's growth from a fledgling organization to a global powerhouse mirrors the broader surge of interest in MMA. The promotion's ability to showcase top-tier talent, stage compelling events, and offer a platform for athletes to showcase their skills has been instrumental in elevating the entire sport.

The UFC's impact extends beyond the octagon; it has become a catalyst for breaking down stereotypes surrounding combat sports. The organization's emphasis on discipline, sportsmanship, and the mental aspects of competition has helped reshape public perception. MMA is not merely a clash of titans; it's an intricate dance of strategy, technique, and resilience.

The rise of the MMA community and the UFC's prominence has invigorated my own martial arts journey. The influx of fresh perspectives, the exchange of techniques, and the collective passion for the sport create an environment that fosters continuous growth. It's a testament to the transformative power of MMA, both as a physical discipline and as a community that transcends geographic and cultural borders.

The surge of MMA enthusiasts and the UFC's ascendance represents more than a sporting phenomenon—it's a cultural shift. As a 20-year-old immersed in the modern struggles of life, I find myself inspired by the positive impact of MMA on individuals and society at large. It's not just a sport; it's a dynamic force that unites, challenges, and elevates those who embrace its multifaceted appeal.

Is Carrie Bradshaw An Awful Friend?

Carrie Bradshaw is the main protagonist and narrator in the popular show SATC. We first meet Carrie in 1998 and get to know her for six seasons, 94 episodes, and two movies. Although Carrie is the main character, there are three other women in the show who can be considered main characters, that being  Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha. The four women do everything together throughout the run of the show, and most of the time they support one another.  The audience sees Carrie Bradshaw (played by the fabulously Sarah Jessica Parker)  go through so many phases of her life but the phase she goes through the most is being heartbroken by her main love interest, "Mr. Big" who is so obviously not into her it almost hurts to watch.

Many SATC fans such as myself watch SATC to see how these four fabulous and trendy women navigate dating in New York City along with other life events, but after watching the series many viewers have pointed out how absolutely horrible of a friend Carrie Bradshaw is. 

5 Times Carrie Bradshaw Was Caught Being a Bad Friend:

  1. When Carrie blew Miranda off to hangout with Mr. Big - and didn't even bother to cancel
  2. When she got in a fight with Charlotte for not offering her a loan of $30,000 (even though her other friends did)
  3. When she sent her boyfriend Aiden to go help an injured Miranda after she fell in the shower
  4. Judging her friend Samantha for choosing to express herself 
  5. The countless times that her friends go to Carrie for support, and she instead talks about her problems with Mr. Big, Aiden, or her current boyfriend at the time (the worst in my opinion.)

I think we can all come to the conclusion that Carrie Bradshaw is in fact, an awful friend. Some might argue that Carrie has to have flaws and that she provides a sense of realisim due to all of her mistakes throughout the show and I completely agree. Main characters shouln't be perfect just like Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda are not perfect but none of them are horrible friends like Carrie Bradshaw. 

Unfinished Business

There is something  honest about unfinished projects. 
Perino del Vaga, "Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist"
An unfinished work is a permanent work in progress; rather than a definitive statement, the scaffolding for the rest of the project remains without a finished ending. A painting that has the sketches drawn around it with only a portion brought to fruition or a book that stops mid-sentence—they exist perched on the edge of potential but can never be completed. 

Who hasn't abandoned a few projects? I am a big fan of hobbies. I enjoy handcrafts, a statement that equates to a few finished crafts atop a mountain of unused textiles, and there are countless word documents I have left unwritten, vulnerable to the same detection of internal logic perceivable in any other artistic venture. 

We leave ideas unfinished for a multitude of reasons: loss of interest or passion, forgetfulness, busywork. Upon rediscovering them, the fine layer of dust somehow makes them inaccessible. No longer the person who embarked on the project, there is seemingly no use in finishing it. 

But looking at unfinished work from others is a reminder that there is still value in applying yourself, even if it remains only an attempt. This Artland article shows an array of abandoned artwork, and if you're interested in reading, Electric Lit's "Unfinished Business" series covers a new piece of unfinished literature each month. 
Jacques Villon "La Parisienne (10)"

I recently completed a book, "Mount Analogue", which was self-described as a "Novel of Symbolically Authentic Non-Euclidian Adventures in Mountain Climbing". It was exceptionally short (though an interesting read), and ended mid-sentence. The characters were poised at the bottom of a mountain, ready to climb, but stalled forever by the interrupted ending. 

Reading it made me think of the last project I left unattended. The last word I wrote before closing the document. Though my examples are related to artists, they can relate to any other venture or goal left behind in the past year.

Trying again, as cliche as it may sound, really is worth more than nothing. The new year isn't upon us just yet, but it is around the corner. Before preparing to become a new person, there is yet unfinished business from this year or even years prior. Finish a project, make the old new again, all the same but reborn in a different light.

Comment if you have any goals you want to revisit! 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Is Black Friday Worth It?

Growing up, I always looked forward to shopping on Black Friday. My family and I would wake up early, sometimes with only a few hours of sleep from the Thanksgiving night before, and drive to the mall or outlets to be one of the firsts to get in line for the big deals that only happen once a year. We’d be done shopping, returning to the car with bags in both hands and packing the trunk with everything we had.

Nowadays, the Black Friday deals are not as much of a steal as they used to be, and everyone is starting to notice. This is due to many reasons, including online shopping, competitive weekly sales, and rising economic pressures outside consumers' wants.

With online shopping on the rise, there has been a decline in in-store shopping. Consumers noticed that they were able to find better deals online than what they saw in-store, plus the convenience of not needing to leave their homes and having items shipped to their door. But this depends on the way a consumer likes to go about shopping and what they’re shopping for.

Black Friday deals have also raised the bar by extending sale dates from a single one-day-only to a Black Friday weekend until Cyber Monday. This lowers the expectation of a high volume of shoppers on Friday because of how widespread the sales are.

As inflation constantly rises, these deals don’t look as worth it as they used to. The cost of living in America is extremely high; families are struggling to stay afloat. Therefore, a sale of anything under 50% is not considered a true deal anymore. People would much rather save for living expenses than items they don’t mind waiting on comfortably affording.

Consumers are becoming a lot more conscious of the buys they invest in, as they should. 

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Please Take Care Of Yourself

    I've always been an advocate for mental health and believe in it wholeheartedly. This fall break has hit me with a simple dose of truth and reality check. It is a dose of truth in the sense that even though I believe in mental health, I have not prioritized that within myself. Fall break has been excellent because I had time for myself and just had simple do-nothing days. I can't remember the last time I had one because I've pushed myself to work to build a career but lost a sense of happiness in the process. 

    It is important to have days where you just do nothing and relax so you can unwind and mentally recharge to be the best version of yourself. The fall break did that for me, and I realized that it is okay to build a career, but you must also prioritize your mental health and happiness by doing what you want. I hit a point at work and school where I said I needed to take a little time away and have fun and be a 21-year-old. 

    Work and school will always be there, but having fun with your friends and loved ones is something you don't know can change. I spent time with loved ones at Disneyland, and it was so refreshing to just be at a place where work and school are tiny thoughts in the back of your head. 

    Being at home and going out with friends during the break just made me realize that life changes way too much for you to work all day and not be able to make memories. If you need a break, please take one and do something you love. 

    It may be said too much that focusing on your mental health is essential, but you need to take care of it to be the best version of yourself. You need to be able to have do-nothing days, go to Disneyland, or do whatever you need to enjoy life. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

An Arcade Full of Cats


After looking for 30 minutes for a new game to end my day, I stumbled upon this game called “An Arcade Full of Cats.” I thought, okay, maybe it’s a game about old arcade games that are cat-inspired. 

I downloaded it and opened the game, and what first appeared were two cats in a car with a tiny screen in the middle, allowing you to click on different years. The goal of the game is to find five batteries to help the cats in the car get back home (to the present). With that in mind, I clicked on the year 1980 and was transported to an arcade that had games of that year. 

I looked around and started to observe that there were many cats in the arcade. I started clicking on each one of them and then realized that this is one of the games where you have to search for all missing objects, but instead, you have to find all the cats. 

With the top left corner telling me the amount I needed to find, I searched through the whole arcade, looking for the cats. The game does give you hints in the form of a magnifying glass, but once you use it, you have to wait a few minutes to use it again.

It was cool to see many references to many old games of that year. Some games include “Pac-Man,” in which the game had “Cat-Man” for obvious reasons. Other arcade years showed references to other games, like in the year 1990, you can see the Master Sword from “The Legend of Zelda” games.

You can also play one of the arcade games if you find a cat coin. Once you find the coin, you click on the arcade game with the static screen, and it takes you to another screen where you also have certain objects. Completing these will give you the batteries you need to help the cats return to their time. 

After playing through some of the years, I decided to stop playing and look into the developers of these games. 

The game was released on Nov. 16 by Devcats, which is a game studio run by six rescued cats!!

The main goal of the game studio is to make cat-inspired games and let people know that you should adopt and not shop. 

The developers have also created games similar to this, like “A Building Full of Cats” and “A Castle Full of Cats.” These games range from $2-$3. 

The “An Arcade Full of Cats” is currently free on Steam. However, if you decide to play any other games from the developers, you can buy them on Steam, the Nintendo Switch store, and You can also buy the DLC for these games, which gives you more cats to find. 

I recommend those who enjoy games looking for objects and cats to give this game a try.

Monday, November 20, 2023

A Realistic New Years Goals- A Self Reflection

As the new year is slowly approaching, I’ve been thinking about my new year resolution/goal. I have always been the type to say I’m going to start going to the gym, but I was never consistent with it. I think for this year, I will start with something I'm actually able to stay consistent with instead of something I will give up later on. I think starting small goals and being consistent with those goals will help when planning to start bigger ones in the future. That being said, here are some goals that I think are possible for not only me but everyone else:

  1. Make the bed at least once a week.

    1. I know people think, “why make the bed if you’re just going to go back to sleep?” However, making the bed, even when you know you’re probably going to lay back down on it, makes one feel accomplished. It feels as of something has been checked off from an individual to-do list. Even though someone might only be able to make their bed once a week, they will feel satisfied and that they got something done. Building on this habit will maybe help in wanting to make the bed two times a week and maybe later increase how many times you do it. 

  1. Wash you face at least once time everyday.

    1. I feel like this one might be difficult because you have to do it every day. It’s also recommended to wash your face twice a day. However, sometimes, it’s hard to wake up early to wash your face. That’s why I recommend washing your face at least before you go to sleep. I feel that going to sleep refreshed helps with a better night's sleep. It also helps you keep a clear face, which may further develop your skincare routine. I’ve recently started washing my face in the morning and night, and I’ve been able to see results. 

  1. Drink more than 2 cups/2 bottles of water every day.

    1. It is important to stay hydrated, especially when you are on the go or busy. Sometimes, people don’t like to drink water or simply forget. I sometimes forget to drink water and decide to drink something else, like a soda. However, water is essential for the human body. Make sure to at least try to get that amount, and if you can drink more, that would be great. I would say this is one of the most important habits to create.

  1. Journal once a week.

    1. Sometimes, you may not have someone to talk to about how you’ve been feeling lately. Writing everything you’ve been feeling into a paper not only helps you release that pent-up emotion. It will also make you feel better. It also doesn't all have to be negative. You can talk about the good stuff that happened in your life or something you’re grateful for. What’s important is that you’re expressing yourself and creating a habit about it. Not everything has to be kept in.

  1. When something goes well in work, school etc, treat yourself.

    1. Life can be hard sometimes, especially when you have a busy schedule. Sometimes, you have a bad day or a bad week, and you manage to pull through and reward yourself. It can be buying yourself something simple like ice cream or giving yourself an extra hour of sleep. Making this a habit will maybe help you see that even though some days are bad, you will always pull through. 

I know these may seem simple to some, but to those who sometimes struggle to make a habit like me, simple stuff can be hard. Yes, it can be difficult to continue that habit, and maybe you’ll forget to do some of these or any other goal you’ve set in mind, and that’s okay. If you mess up, you can start again the next day and continue where you left off. These are just some suggestions, but you can set any goal you believe you’ll be able to accomplish.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

How to Make Ginger and Honey Lemon Tea

 How to Make Ginger and Honey Lemon Tea

The flu/cold season is starting to come around as the fall and winter times are beginning to approach us. During these times, one might want a warm tea to drink while reading a book or a tea to help you feel better when you’re sick. This recipe is easy to make, and it doesn’t take much time to make it either. It also has many benefits for the body. Let’s get started.

Here are the list of ingredients you’ll need:

  • Two cups of water

  • Two ginger stumps

  • One lemon or lime (whichever you have at home)

  • Two tablespoons of honey (or to your taste)

  • Eight spearmint leaves

  • Three garlic cloves

  • Two onion rings

Now let's make some tea:

  1. Get your two cups of water and bring it to a boil in a small cooking pot. While waiting for your water to boil, cut your two ginger stumps and three garlic cloves into thin slices. 

  2. Once the water starts to boil, add your sliced-up ginger and garlic and continue to boil for another two minutes.

  3. During those two minutes, grab your onion, cut it enough to give you two onion rings, and set it aside.  

  4. You will then grab your one or two spearmint branches, wash them if needed, and pull eight spearmint leaves.

  5. After 2 minutes, grab your two onion rings and eight spearmint leaves, place them in the pot, and continue to boil for another 2 minutes.

  6. Once the 2 minutes pass, turn off the stove and let the tea cool down to your preference.

  7. As the tea is cooling down, get your lemons, cut them in half, and squeeze the juice into a mug.  

  8. Then add two spoons of honey or to your taste into the same cup and stir.

  9. Lastly, strain the tea and pour it into the cup with honey and lemon, and enjoy!

It is a simple and easy recipe to follow, which you can make during the cold weather and when you’re feeling sick. The good thing about this recipe is that regardless of not having all the ingredients, the tea will still benefit you in some way. Maybe the ingredients from this tea will inspire you to make a different tea recipe you can share with friends and family.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Beginning Your Workout Journey

 As the year comes to an end many people's goal for 2024 is to start going to the gym or to workout more. Although many people tend to hold back on that just because they feel judged or uncomfortable down below are 3 things you can do to start your workout journey: 

  1. Cardio

Cardio exercise helps improve endurance, stamina, and overall health. Engaging in activities like running, jump rope, or stairmaster increases the heart rate, strengthens the heart muscle, and enhances the body's ability to deliver oxygen to the muscles. This improves performance during prolonged physical activities and helps individuals recover faster between intense workouts. Cardio also maintains a healthy body weight and reduces the risk of various health conditions. 

  1. Strength Training 

When it comes to strength training this can be done differently depending on your goal. If you would like to train as an athlete the focus is often on heavy weights and low reps. This type of training, known as high-intensity training, helps build maximum strength and power. Lifting heavier weights with fewer repetitions targets the fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are responsible for explosive movements. Push your limits and progressively increase the weight to continually challenge your muscles and improve your overall strength. Exercises that can be done in strength training would be hip thrusts, hex-bar squats, and 

power cleans.


  1. Pilates 

Many gyms and fitness studios offer Pilates classes led by certified instructors. These classes can be a great way to learn proper techniques and receive guidance as you progress. You can check out local fitness centers or search online for Pilates classes near you. Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on core strength, flexibility, and overall body control. It can help improve your posture, balance, and muscular endurance. This is a great way to switch up your routine and add some variety to your workouts.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Lorde's Pure Heroine Album's Best Songs

 Lorde’s 2013 debut album, Pure Heroine, is the perfect album to pull out just in time for colder weather. Although this album came out while I was still in middle school, and is nothing like any other album I enjoy, it remains one of my favorites. Lorde’s take on vanity and success hum underneath bigger themes of nostalgia, maturity, and boredom of society’s teens. This album continues to amaze me with it’s moody bass and almost ethereal vocals. Ten years later, I am still able to listen to the album start to finish without skipping any songs. 


Out of all of the songs on the album, three stick out to me the most. My third favorite would have to be the fifth tract on the album, “Buzzcut Season.” This song is in my top three because other than the interpretive lyrics, Lorde’s musical ability is incredible. This song, in my opinion, comments on the chaos in the world and how she navigates through that chaos in her youth. The songs hints at themes of refuge and escape. Buzzcut Season’s simple melody with piano and drums make the song dramatic, yet still deep and lets the listener interpret the song for themselves. 

My second favori†e song on the album is the last track, “A World Alone.” Being the last song on the album, it brings everything perfectly to a close. This songs makes the album come full circle. The themes of this song are acceptance and observation. In the lyrics, she realizes that the people she surrounds herself aren’t as true as she once thought. She explains that this once new and exciting fame isn’t all it was made up to be, and she still is just “dancing in this world alone.” Although the lyrics seem sad and cold, the tone of the song is uplifting, almost as if it is a relief that the singer has come to this realization. 


Out of all ten songs on this album, my favorite is the fourth track, “Ribs.” Ribs, although not the most “underground” song on the album, will forever be my favorite. This song fuels the notion of nostalgia and longing for the singer’s youth. The locals and instrumental background of this song are flawless and continue to make me feel what Lorde was feeling as she wrote it. As the song progresses it gets more intense as if all of her feelings are pouring out into the song. Ribs illustrates the feelings of coming-of-age and the dream-like state people often feel while transitioning into adulthood. 

Overall, Lorde’s entire Pure Heroine, album offers magnificent vocals and a combination of ethereal instruments. After relistening to this album every fall season, I seem to reflect on the themes and ideas that I once didn’t understand when the album was released.

Monday, November 13, 2023

A Glance at the 2024 Grammy Nominations: Album Of The Year

The 2024 Grammy Album of the Year nominations have once again ignited music enthusiasts' excitement, underscoring the significance of this prestigious award. This category represents a selection of the most outstanding and influential albums released during the eligibility period, serving as a reflection of the evolving musical landscape and the artists who leave a prominent mark on it.

In a world that is so heavily dominated by singles and streaming, it is even more important for albums to be cherished and preserved which is why The Recording Academy celebrates albums as essential formats of musical expression. The nominations serve as a testament to the power of music to inspire, connect, and transform.

Here's an in-depth look at the nominees for Album of the Year:

Jon Batiste — World Music Radio

boygenius — 
the record

Miley Cyrus — Endless Summer Vacation

Lana Del Rey — Did You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd

Janelle MonĂ¡e — The Age Of Pleasure

Olivia Rodrigo — GUTS

Taylor Swift — Midnights


Many of the nominated albums are characterized by compelling storytelling and themes that resonate with audiences. These albums are not just collections of songs but cohesive narratives that explore a range of human experiences, from love and loss to social and cultural commentary.

As we anticipate the awards ceremony, these nominations remind us of the remarkable artistry that defines the world of music. Regardless of who claims the ultimate honor, all the nominated albums have left an indelible mark on the industry and in the hearts of music lovers worldwide.

The 2024 GRAMMYs, officially known as the 66th GRAMMY Awards, returns to Los Angeles' Arena on Sunday, Feb. 4, 2024, and will broadcast live on the CBS Television Network 5-8:30 p.m. PT